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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. Mr. Box the great thing about forum's and life, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Perception and impressionism. I'm very much old school. Raised to have manors, but to always be honest and straight forward and not to candy coat the truth. I honestly like Layla, but her mannerism's and body language speak volumes to everyone who pays close attention, with eyes wide open. I have noticed that she puts her pants on one leg at a time just like I do, no one is above anyone on this earth, we were all created equally.
  2. Ilona's nipples are larger than Layla's, Ilona's nipple itself is much larger and harder than Layla's, They are both members of the itty bitty titty committee though.
  3. I have been watching blue a lot lately due to the fact the girls apartment has gone down hill Layla has shown up. I believe she is another of those girls who does not fantasize, even though she very beautiful young lady, she never touches herself. I keep waiting on that night she will let loose and go for it. Gut so fart to no avail, just goes to bed and then to sleep. I have only seen her with one guy and he tries to get sexual , but irt never really went anywhere. What the hell is wrong with these girls, if only they new how much of their own sexuality they are missing out on...... MASTURBATION is normal part of everyone's life, is needed to relieve tension and anxiety.
  4. I am not a fan of the Queen of Ice, but I will admit she is by far the cleanest of all the tenants in the apartment :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  5. Awesome pic of Maya plating Stone Cold !!!! two thumbs up :clap: :clap: I think she is most natural of all the ladies on RLC. This must have been a rare occasion.
  6. I sure hope so, We need another apartment to watch now that Anna has left the girls apartment. I keep wishing that Carla and her friend would get smashed together and give us a really good show. :drool: :drool: :drool:
  7. Dasha and Demid are packing again for another trip....I hope the BLONDE GIRL comes stay again. She is so friggen hot and loved to party !!!!!!(((HINT HINT))))
  8. This is why it the girls are always waiting on Layla to get ready. Still Doesn't help that much !!!
  9. Ilona. please bring us two more beautiful friends of yours, Irma and Anna were the bomb. I hope you can top those two, and show everyone here that I was right you are the new mistress of the lair....... :woohoo: :woohoo: I for one can't wait to see who we welcome to sorority house next. :welcome:
  10. Goodbye Anna, Thank you for brief moment of your life. Incredible, Sensuous, Lovely Anna. Take Care BYE BYE :hi: :hi: :hi:
  11. By Gosh, I am going to eat the rest of my mushrooms before I leave. I paid for them and they are mine. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  12. The friggen dog barks all the time because it wants just a little attention. Agreed Stone Cold :headache: When I turn up the volume the damn thing gets my two dogs to start barking thinking they have a dog outside or something . :curse: :curse:
  13. Well one of two things, Nelly and Bogdan are coming home tomorrow, or he just wants get back into the bum hole again. That is his way of getting there, a sore kitty from all the sex only two other entry points. :shithappens: probably !!!!!
  14. Well now that is what happens when she stores up all that orgasmic intensity, twice in one day with in 4 hours of each other and both very intense. Paul you should stay away more. :yeahbaby: :woohoo: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugnkiss:
  15. Thanks for the pics guys just friggen missed it :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :bang head: :bang head:
  16. Ladies and Gentlemen, is it just me or so you all feel the same? Whenever I open the cam to Irma/Layla's room, now just Layla's room, do you get the feeling the it's cold as ice in there. I mean that girl always has blanket pulled up to her neck and balled up in the fetal position like she is freezing to death. I think it's because all the heat from that room left when the lovely Irma had to go home. I will be looking for ice cycles hanging from the ceiling soon for sure. Can you say(((((( ICE QUEEN ))))))
  17. Let me get this straight, Nora is running a ring of working girls on short term visa's from Russia or the old USSR, and putting them up in apartment. Wow that says a lot for Kami, Kristy, Coco, and Milana. Now it's Irma, Anna, Layla with Ilona setting up the John's. Interesting....You guys are so full of BS. They are models... just watch them they are posing all the time. They may not be high paid models, but I am sure that is what they are doing for extra cash. I don't believe that Ilona is running a escort service. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  18. All the reason she needs to let go of some that built up tension, and give in to those dark deep desires.
  19. Paul is asleep, Leora is starting the slow caressing of her legs and thighs in the living room.... now if the damn dog would just shut up it might lead to something good.
  20. Anna this morning lingerie photo shoot today HOT HOT HOT :woohoo: :yeahbaby: :yes: :hugnkiss: :bang head: (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  21. ANNA getting ready for a lingerie shoot this morning HOT HOT HOT Can you say GODDESS :yeahbaby: :woohoo: :yeahbaby: :hugnkiss: Checking the kitty just to make sure to make them drool Dunna Dunna Dunna Dunna ((((((BATWINGS))))) :hugnkiss: :hugnkiss: :yikes: :yikes: (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
  22. Poor ANNA has to sleep like this to be comfortable, It's damn shame :wtf: Layla sleeps in the fetal position and is very comfortable, can you say QUEEN BEE :curse: RLC you should correct this immediately, this is an injustice to the lovely ANNA :headache: :wtf: :poke: :bang head: :trashcomputer: (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  23. Hey Guys, It looks like boredom will the new in the girls apartment, but it sure as hell won't be in Nelly's and Bogdan's apartment. Efim and his new lady are staying there while they are away on holiday. Mike get you capture machine ready this will be a few days to remember I am sure. They are like bunny rabbits, everything and all things posible here when they start drinking. :welcome:
  24. Here is a couple more for you guys (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  25. arnetvita, I'm sad to say she is gone. She took out of the closet the red dress from New Years and the coat at the last minute right before she left.
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