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Everything posted by gogism

  1. My dear...don't you all around drool so much, I want to say - ...Queen! Remember this? It was one of the most intense, sweet, innocent but yet dirty, secret, behind the back (duh! - without your back!!! πŸ˜‰ ) of the busy man and in front of all of us - not so busy men at the time... Was it a thrill? Did the naughtiness rushed adrenaline through your veins? Were you scared of being caught? Have you wished to be caught? Haven't you actually really liked it? Until... Until...you chikened out, hehe. Uhh, kiss, kiss, just kiding, my love! πŸ˜‰ Was it not a remarkable experience that you were wishing to happen on more then one occasion? Do you want it - to happen again? Would you be able to go through with it the next time? Well, let's do - dream about it. You as well. πŸ˜‰ But...you will never know how much it would ment to us (and be sure, for you as well) if you would pull it through. And not run away just right in the middle... πŸ™‚ I wish you (I wouldnt mind to be around though, hehe) - to experience that feeling again. + many many more feelings very close to it. Go, my Quenn - go and blossom! + of course, we're still waiting, hehe. Love you, my dear! Cheers! πŸ™‚ MyAirBridge.com | Send or share big files up to 20 GiB for free MAB.TO We will transfer your files easily, safely and rapidly from one place to another. You can send them directly to an email address or share files using a unique link.
  2. Dang! Starting to feel sorry for (all the) deleted files, but then again - I would appreciate if The Queen would miss me/us at least a bit of how much I/we - do miss her Majesty ('s behind)... πŸ˜‰ My dear beloved Leora (+ your behind, hehe) - do, pls find a way to get to us. No matter in what way. Just get us some mark, some sign (a new vid or 2 perhaps, through whatever chanel, pipe, hole - doesnt matter )...surely I hope you are not - like banned or not alowed to communicate with your fans here... Or even - look into our eyes with that hazey look in your eyes that made us glued to you in all the special times we've shared (huh, I better stop with this now). Or...is it so? πŸ˜‰ Anyway - donno what I am going to do with this - to (be) delete(d) or not to (be) delete(d)? Again - some cute, soft, laisure mood of our Queen (and some familiar companion with her at the end, hehe). https://mab.to/6atUS2OT8 Cheers! πŸ™‚
  3. Just some cute post-O moments (17 sec) of course - before deleting... πŸ˜‰ MyAirBridge.com | Send or share big files up to 20 GiB for free MAB.TO We will transfer your files easily, safely and rapidly from one place to another. You can send them directly to an email address or share files using a unique link.
  4. Another sweet inocent memory of beloved Queen before deleting it... πŸ™‚ It is from January the 6th 2019 but not the one Nicholas asked for. https://mab.to/9bT58C2BY
  5. K, just some sweet inocent memories of beloved Queen before deleting it... πŸ˜‰ Hope that Howard can produce at least some fries to keep us from hunger... πŸ™‚ https://mab.to/LIFemdclD
  6. K, just some sweet inocent memories of beloved Queen before deleting it... πŸ˜‰ MyAirBridge.com | Send or share big files up to 20 GiB for free WWW.MYAIRBRIDGE.COM We will transfer your files easily, safely and rapidly from one place to another. You can send them directly to an email address or share files using a unique link.
  7. I saw it once before also. But again - it was not her transmission it was someone elses. Can't remember if he just broadcasted live (it was while she was still on RLC) or was some older cap...
  8. Most likely not her transmission. There have been some old recordings from time to time...
  9. Ah, my dear Nicholas... As I understand it is very likely or perhaps it might be much much possible, and that goes for all the members of the very present forum thread - at...just a moment...the page 13, where this post is at the moment, regardless some doubts like on the page 12, and most likely on some other pages of the same topic on the same subject as well, and that which involved, as said, all the earlier mentioned members and, of course in both cases involving the tennants as well, that there just might be something in...the air. I mean some strange things happening all over the RLC, CC, not to mention those two tankers... πŸ™‚ I dont want anyone to think I didnt take my medication. But than again...wait a moment!!! πŸ˜‰
  10. hmmm....FTS - it did crossed my mind that RLC might want to get rid of CC with latest moves.... As for our Queen and her pet(ty one) I dont see them that way. Unfortunately they have none - none whatsoever - social life. So...our Queen is left in a bubble not even knowing what else is going around... She's an explorer, mostly by herself and even that -mostly about her body. But that just takes more time. Hey, it's over 5,6,7 years of solitude... And, at least for me - we're not getting any younger, hehe... For sure - screw the RLC and...I want my Queen back but it's just up to her. To get back or - to leave the project. I trust she has the power to do one or another. As for us - we will always have sweet (&never fulfilled, hehe) memories... πŸ˜‰ Kiss to the Queen! πŸ™‚
  11. Just love those fresh smart clueless newbees, hehe
  12. 1) Hmmmm...I'd say - let's blame the newbees and their neverending need for reposts. Think even our Queen was fed up with all of that... So now there's some time for the ones behind to get to organize and catch up eventually, hehe 2) + - we've got into some serious trouble here. As I (and so many others, hehe) said to myself - I'd never log on to RLC again, until our Queen is back (in all her glory that is! )) ) I wonder how will we know taht our Queen is actually back on the track... I mean - someone will have to sacrifice himself to check on regulary (like - every 5 min...or....so )) ) so that we dont all do it and still promote the RLC. 3) Perhaps our beloved Queen is powerfull enough to tell the RLC to not fuck with her and to give her back her biggest fan ( me, ofc, hehe). She should mention them by the way that she can make another RLC - ''Real Leora Cam'' site at anytime! P.s.: I really enjoy my six pack.... πŸ™‚
  13. Hehe, think someone is playing with our nerves a bit. Not even the guest cam is now free... LOL
  14. Huh - RLC really fucked up this time. The only free cam in our Queens appartement is now the guest room???!!!???
  15. Looks like our Queen is cold. Someone should call Putin to adjust the heating...
  16. Perhaps he wants to take over our dearest Quenn role... God forbid HE starts to bate there... πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ It's really funny - almost in all apps - guys eventually take over the strategic places - the ones that are actually reserved for...well, their beauty halfs... Our - ups - that is - HER - king actually tried them all - he puts his behind on the sofa in the exact place to...hide our beloved. He moved before (from bedroom) and tried to sleep in the LR to be close... And our beloved moved. I mean - he had some trouble thinking after L have moved before he found the solution, hehe. Even with the sofa in GR our lady tried, but he parked himself there too. He tries, we should give him some credit for that (not really much, but...). But - he just doesnt try enough. So the latest is - he tries to stay awake longer then the Queen and sleeps in the GR. That's just the way it is. Dang! πŸ˜‰
  17. being your dear mate (and not french by the way, but still - gentle, hehe) I will just go easy on you πŸ˜‰ You're just plain ignorant - wrong in more than one way so even I will not try very hard to educate you. No point, really, hehe Anyway - to keep you hot and eager to see leoras caps from the old appartement - let me asure there's even an intercourse with (hmmm....our queen's!!!) ass direct to the (old app) LR cam. A beatiful sight I may say. πŸ™‚ And guess what - it's still all over the net. But I guess, your just busy with calling people noobs. Not even been able to (very easly) see when one have joind the site. Cheers, mate! And - keep the gentle (I mean - no hard) feelings! πŸ˜‰
  18. Huh...were you born yesterday? πŸ˜‰ Our Queen is our (ie - active) much more than a year or 2.... πŸ™‚
  19. So true! I'm actually Leora, the Queen. Just kidding and jerking around.... πŸ˜‰
  20. My dear -you still reign - that rlc kingdom. You've never been so close to us before. And - I put all my happiness and all my hopes that you can - be even closer to us. Nevertheless - love you, my dear! Kiss and hope to see you...every single day - even before - not the day after... πŸ˜‰ You rock (if you want to, hehe)!!! πŸ™‚
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