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Everything posted by tweety

  1. There is company over again. I am not good with faces - Is this the guy who performs better without an audience ?
  2. To all. If there are posters on other boards who are having trouble, fill them in on the fix. Glad to help. You can create an account for free. You will have 0 days, but you can get rid of the preview buttons.
  3. i agree, Come on back with pics, Sparkles.
  4. It's my turn she says. She is lovin' it.
  5. This is a skills competition - which side of the room is doing better?
  6. You have heard of the Heimlich Maneuver - he is teaching her the hand-job Maneuver.
  7. You can create an account for free. You will have 0 days, but you can get rid of the preview buttons.
  8. Thanks for the pics, Waldi. Good ones. A satisfactory session, it would seem.
  9. Time to go for today - get my strength up for tomorrow's orgy at Betty & Rick's.
  10. It is during visits like tonight that they should be practicing their English.
  11. That is like a sportsfan who watches the late-night sports show on tv to only see the goals, or whatever, and not watch the entire match. They are too busy, I guess.
  12. Sparkles was brilliant at posting pics, but he says he is not going to any more. Such a great loss to our boards.
  13. The action is quite distant, but you get the idea.
  14. I offered this mini-tutorial in another board - you don't need much technical ability. log in/register with a site like postimg.org which hosts images that you will upload to it. download a screen-capture program (Bandicam is very popular) to your device Run bandicam, and use the camera icon to capture an image to a folder on your device upload the image to postimg.org, and copy it post it to a CamCaps reply box using the 'insert other media' tab post your reply. Practice - if I can do it, anyone can Just trying to help
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