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Everything posted by tweety

  1. OK. No problem. Btw, I love Mira's top. It does everything for her...
  2. I see that Vera is over, but not Ron. What is the status of that relationship?
  3. I do not know what is going on, but I am not making these multiple posts deliberately. I had to step out for a bit. Was it a good show?
  4. I am not sure what you mean by 'technical ability', but you don't need much. log in/register with a site like postimg.org which hosts images that you will upload to it. download a screen-capture program (Bandicam is very popular) Run bandicam, and use the camera icon to capture an image to a folder on your device upload the image to postimg, and copy it post it to a XX reply box using the 'insert other media' tab post your reply-
  5. That was weird. I got an error message (technical ability?) so I hit the submit button again. Now I have a double post. Apologies.
  6. I am not sure what you mean by 'technical ability', but you don't need much. log in/register with a site like postimg.org which hosts images that you will upload to it. download a screen-capture program (Bandicam is very popular) Run bandicam, and use the camera icon to capture an image to a folder on your device upload the image to postimg, and copy it post it to a XX reply box using the 'insert other media' tab post your reply-
  7. I am not sure what you mean by 'technical ability', but you don't need much. log in/register with a site like postimg.org which hosts images that you will upload to it. download a screen-capture program (Bandicam is very popular) Run bandicam, and use the camera icon to capture an image to a folder on your device upload the image to postimg, and copy it post it to a CamCaps reply box using the 'insert other media' tab post your reply-
  8. Will someone (anyone) be able to post any pics of bedroom action? Thanks. Right now she is singing for her supper.
  9. Just the Misty cam is not working for me, Clearing my cache did not help.
  10. Is there anyone here who can help with our understanding of the conversation?
  11. I see pencil and paper on the table - I wonder what is going on?
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