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Everything posted by tweety

  1. Was this guy here before? Seem to remember the hair.
  2. Yes, I see the carpet folded back. Missed that. Will miss any action for the next 2-3 hours. Posts, please and TIA.
  3. Does anyone recognize the male guest on the couch?
  4. That is why Oldstalker's quote was so good BUT - they have both consumed so much alcohol that they will neither of them be very capable. Shakespeare said (of alcohol) "it sets man on and it lays a man off" [Macbeth: in the drunken porter's scene] meaning it makes him horny but incapable. That is almost exactly what we have here.
  5. Sorry, I mis-spoke. I meant to hear the audio in the still photo.
  6. Yes, I have an account, and have to sign in to get rid of the thumbs.
  7. My profile on the left says I am an advanced member. I dunno. I don't pay any money, can only see the cameras they give me but can remove the thumbs. I tell you, I had 5 free days recently, and it was exhausting. There was so much more going on than the free cameras showed. LOL
  8. She's looking a little bit unsteady there. Nicely primed.
  9. When you only have camera 2 to work with, it doesn't really matter.
  10. I am non premium so what I see is what I post. They did leave by a different exit for their smoke break. Maybe it is frozen.
  11. Things are starting to warm up, with Serena getting candles on her body.
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