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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. you guys have to remember these girls come from a country that really frowns on gay sex so when they don't want to do anything gay on cam it could be understood here in the states 2out of 3 girls under 30 have no problem getting freaky with another girl hell its almost a right of passage now days
  2. all the fun loving girls are not at a sex club they are just hanging out some where at 2am maybe they are grocery shopping,i heard what they were supposed to be doing but that takes about a hour now 3hrs latter and I would bet they will be gone for awhile yet but no they are not at the sex club though
  3. well if they are not at the swingers club where did they go this late at night no make up no fancy clothes they sure didn't go to a normal club,grocery shopping maybe lol
  4. then there was the night the massage guy stopped over and Irma and Dayana disappeared I don't now if they went last night but they are gone again tonight that's probably 5 out of 6 nights so yea I would say pretty much every night they are goin there,you are just going from where the translation stopped that does not mean they have not been going there more
  5. put it like this both bacr apts are dead each have 2 girls just watching tv,while all the fun loving girls are either at a sex club or with thier boyfriend yep this is fun
  6. true but that does not mean I cant be jealous about not seeing it,it no different than if they came back and had sex under the covers every one would bitch about that is this any different
  7. they are going to a sex club together night after night who knows what really is going on now we only heard what happened that first night
  8. I'm jealous to think they are doing stuff with each other outside like you said if we know whats going on but cant see it is worse than not knowing what we are missing especially if they never bring it home
  9. damn this girl has one fine ass I have been in lust with her from minute one,so glad she is showing everything hope they get their own place now
  10. they are heading to the club again I guess,that will get old every night knowing they are going out and fooling around together I liked it better just guessing what they were doing now I'm jealous lol
  11. just read the translations Irma said her and jess both started to get him hard but he could not keep it there could have just been camera shy lol
  12. yep the cams went down just as it was getting good and just happened to come back on just when the b2 girls were leaving,thats one hell of a coincidence huh
  13. I said back a couple of months ago that the shy thing might be a act maybe just teasing to try and get a apt going about it a different way,looks like I might have been right after all and didn't a apt just open up anyone know if they are in the same city as c and s
  14. Now I am happy I renewed my subscription got to see blondie in full light what a ass on that girl,now maybe we will really get lucky and they wont hide when they have sex got my fingers crossed lol
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