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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. I made the same comment back awhile ago that the girls would not have sex back at the apt if Irma drags them to the swingers club,but it was only days later Irma is going down on a couple of girls,i still think she was trying to make up for taking off for 2 1/2 days for the first 4 days she was back she was on a tear
  2. she is my favorite,always been a ass man and ohboy does she have a sweet one or what
  3. but the difference between them is the girls seem to love lola and when partying lola would go around yanking the other girls clothes off and would actually try and have sex with them nora was body painting and back rubs just saying
  4. over a thousand pages of comments in a month I think it was even twice and the single biggest recruitment period in rlc history personally I would like to see her again
  5. I am hoping for lola myself as much as her and stella like each other imagine throwing Irma into that mix
  6. If we are talking about the little blonde she is about perfect in my eyes and I love those little titties of hers and it would be shame to do any thing to them,well I know what I would do to them lol
  7. yep Irma is a piece of work, talking girls into going to a sex club getting the girls to play with this guy some have said trying to talk the girls into escort work
  8. lets see he is fat ugly and old compaired to the girls and would not even be there if it were not for money so there is a lot to work with
  9. like I said before maybe the girls took the drugs because they really wanted to let loose and have a good time,like you said how many of us have done the same maybe it might have been alcohol or some other drug but the result was the same
  10. people bitch this site is not real life you don't get any more real life than young beautiful girls doing coke,people bitch shit aint real life then bitch when shit does get real just because it does not go along with their own personal morality
  11. stella didn't bring the coke guys into it that was whats her face that let everyone eat sushi off her.lola brought Dima into it first that first night they all took turns going into B1 downstairs bathroom with him I assume they were doing lines
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