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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. I guess my subscription ran out at the right time,the day after the last party but even that was just a lesson in frustration it was like watching a 6hr webcam show
  2. true but she gave one hell of a view of that sweet little ass of hers when she was laying on her stomach,and that's her best asset lol
  3. picked a good day to have my subscription run out,i thought it was going to run out sooner but at least I caught last night anyway
  4. I never watched cam shows till recently but what I saw all night looked like one long cam show all fake no passion,unlike lolas parties were there was actual lust involed
  5. Maybe because cam girls are not shy and like to perform for the cameras,whatever the reason it just makes for conflict of interests
  6. its a shame the 2 barc apts don't hang out more and have a few more parties,i can see lima and mellisa having no problem with some naked dancing millisa has come to give lima a run for her money as the most nude girl on rlc its a shame we cant get these 2 over there huh
  7. they let the girls decide if they want to change if the other girls have no problem with it,they want the girls to be as happy here as possible that's my opinion anyway
  8. I loved stella she was beautiful and had a body that rivaled jasmins and was game for about anything I miss her too
  9. oh great they stayed out there so long they killed the night,good luck getting sia to participate again
  10. yep belle had a chance to shine but she chose to spend the night talking,we belle lovers have been saying that if it were not for jasmin she would be dancing naked and being a party animal if not for her well I guess we need to eat some humble pie
  11. well I thought maybe RLC would give me a reason to resubscribe on my last night but I guess its just more of the same old same old so I will let it lapse,but if I do then I will hear about michelle belle and candy having sex the next day that's my luck around here
  12. who would of ever thought sia is the one that wants to party and belle and michelle just want to talk
  13. At least you owned up and admitted that maybe you was portraying your experience in this situation. Apology accepted. that means the world to me thank you
  14. thank you thank you,did not mean to offend you you are the reason I started to follow rlc I feel like a ass right now
  15. yes and I am sorry for being selfish each relationship is different,i have been bitching for my own reasons and I am sorry for that
  16. like I said rlc might be trying something different as they have been doing the same thing all the time trying to tease us if you want to see more you have to pay,you are most likely right but it is just a thought though
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