I think you nailed it. I don't think Sia is gonna share this bf with Em or anyone else. It's too bad Sia was not a candidate to move in with Em. They are obviously besties and I think the social dynamics would have been more natural. Even better if they could work the guest situation as invitation only. wishful thinking..
I remembered the Gargamel thing after her vacation and that was all Gargamel. At that point he just thought these girls were at his disposal and I think she was going along not wanting the rock the boat. She was eventually able to keep her distance. He did the same thing with Evi. Neither was attracted to his sorry ass. I'm not sure why she cried that time with the three way.. I can see by her gestures she adores Stephan, and is the kind of person you want in your corner. I think the big house was a bad move for them on so many fronts. It didn't appear they had a choice as the time. Stephan should push the computer game away and get back in the game..Welcome to your new home.. hope it all works for you!!
Bob and Sid both seem to be anti social characters. I still respectfully disagree Em is the problem socially except she can't seem to part with these two..Sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the dirty diapers though. It doesn't appear anyone has the balls to start over by weeding this one out. They get hits because of the freak shows.. Quite frankly there are far more boring couples in here that need the same fate. Hard part is people seem to see different things that appeal to them on any given site..Bottom line the only control you have personally is to watch the ones that appeal to you.
Lisa even tried walking around naked but put on clothed when their son Sid came home..Now we have the Brady bunch..Sid is like a weight on this apartment. If he lives there put him back on the marque,
Case in point..he's there for the place to live and play his electronics..Em is trying to see if he is really interested in her too.. Sid needs a mommy not a girlfriend..
It's called addiction when you watch your phone videos while giving an ass massage..or taking it in the bathtub.. I'm not sure why I turn this apartment on but maybe to just see what bazaar shit is going on now..
That Dude,, Thought he was part of the management group above Stephan..Acts like he owns the joint when he arrives. Stella said she doesn't do other guys except Stephan. Just girls. He got so insistent..and rough with her to boot..I felt sorry for her afterwords.. bad night..
the dude that in the old place had sex with his girl or wife and Stella, Stephan and their bigger girl friend had show sex on the other pull out bed.. ..He talked Stella into letting him mast her which he got carried away and got rough with her. Seemed like it was suppose to be a live show for this loud pushy Russian. Someone remembers it. He also showed up a few weeks ago and they all went to a party.