It looked pretty serious in the living room before it went out. They might have been preparing the friend for what came next. Maybe they have a transition apartment they will let him stay until he has a chance to get resettled. the other way might be to take him to a train station and give him a train ticket home..Party's over Sid..
Well I think it like fishing with the wrong bait..These girls are mostly lesbians..Foxy lets him feel around but gets away when it's doubt he'll go crawl in with her in a bit..Wish he would open his own apartment and stay there..
Sid's having a hard time with this in his room..being consoled (the real way)haha..but I don't really know what he expected to happen..Members are not going to pay for him having a place to play games on the computer and hang to pay for that yourself.. Bad part is you have to find a job.. Was fun while it lasted for him..Bye
no doubt this is a force out of at least Sid..They are going to party to death.. Lexy and Pete had a really nice place.. I feel bad for them..I can see what's going on though.
Observed him pull evy back on to his bed 2 times after she tried to leave..and lay on her as he tried to feel her up.. This goes beyond sex by consenting residence.. dude is a creep