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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. I stand corrected..he's still here at club Sid..
  2. No trouble..just serious conversation..maybe preparing for lights out..Just a hunch..
  3. It looked pretty serious in the living room before it went out. They might have been preparing the friend for what came next. Maybe they have a transition apartment they will let him stay until he has a chance to get resettled. the other way might be to take him to a train station and give him a train ticket home..Party's over Sid..
  4. No thankfully shot down.. George and Gargamil should get a place together and because it will be so much fun , call themselves "The Fun Guys"
  5. he is what the "me too" movement in the states is all about..
  6. Well I think it like fishing with the wrong bait..These girls are mostly lesbians..Foxy lets him feel around but gets away when it's necessary..no doubt he'll go crawl in with her in a bit..Wish he would open his own apartment and stay there..
  7. fact is if you quit your membership and moved into the neighborhood you could watch the show from there..haha
  8. Sid's having a hard time with this in his room..being consoled (the real way)haha..but I don't really know what he expected to happen..Members are not going to pay for him having a place to play games on the computer and hang out..got to pay for that yourself.. Bad part is you have to find a job.. Was fun while it lasted for him..Bye
  9. Maybe they just got tired of these people showing up and wanting to have sex..Just want a nice little place to themselves..it works..
  10. no doubt this is a force out of at least Sid..They are going to party to death.. Lexy and Pete had a really nice place.. I feel bad for them..I can see what's going on though.
  11. On this website managers have automatic access to any ass on the project..that's the rule..
  12. This is not a better place. What are the owners thinking about..the place they had rocked compared to this..Bone head move..
  13. George just jumped into bed with Foxy..hope she doesn't wake up..lol
  14. Observed him pull evy back on to his bed 2 times after she tried to leave..and lay on her as he tried to feel her up.. This goes beyond sex by consenting residence.. dude is a creep
  15. Well G's molestor skills need work..has to force the issue a little harder I guess. The girls are able to escape his persistence and his grip..scary
  16. Gargamei has one consoling thought..how do I get her out of that robe..
  17. Looks like Gargamil might get lucky..Surprised Evi put herself in that position.. she looks upset..Alan must not be around..
  18. Masha gave up her turn in the bed with Sasha.. Looks like a double header this week..We'll see
  19. Tossed him a bone,,definitely would have gone for it if Stephen wasn't there..
  20. Was waiting on Gargamil to pull her in for a hug..
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