Pretty sure they're just resting up..has Joe with him and alot going on at home..probably Take off when they rest up..Bet these other boys hope they get another evening with Foxy..amazed how far she let them in..maybe both Kira and her had an awakening to the male gender..if she doesn't BBQ them later.
Agree to disagree.. dislike 2 things about him..he hits women to give himself pleasure. Bullies and overpowers them..2 he pulls women down sexually without their consent..other than that the guy's a peach..
I agree but none seem to happen..not like coming over to a friends house.. Stephan took a shot at one but it turned out weird..not even sure where they got the people. Seems like a fix when you see the cards and bottle spin.. out of the VH manual..S&S had some really good parties.
There is a room not being used upstairs..with no cameras..He's not on this project except as a worker..why don't they set him up in there..don't need cameras there..
Doesn't seem these two couples are great social friends anyway.. But really can't even have friends over in this situation. Has the place trashed..hard to look at..
Bothers me that they are simply unemployed kids with a free place to stay with all the bells and whistles..On the members dime..Just not gonna hit this apt..