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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. Never watched him or Darcy..I liked some of their latest guests. they should open a house just for all them..
  2. Did anyone not think that was going to happen... Cracked me up..Glad there was not a more serious injury..
  3. Im confused on the pecking order in here..appears they are having issues with who's turn it is with who..
  4. so he has hit on every girl there and the cat..
  5. sounded like this was the plan to find the second couple a place from the start. VH seems so unpredictable lately.. they seemed to sweep .Bart, Barney, Shan, couples to the curb...then brought in some cheesie apartment . almost cancelled my membership..
  6. so warning girls..go to this apartment and you are compelled to get a boob job..lol Throw in the 11 inch battle ram and Im in..haha
  7. so why was there so much tension when they were there..my guess is Henry should have taken better care of Mira..got to take care of mama before diving into the sugar bowl..lol
  8. I found them thanks. god she looks so much better
  9. so no group sex this time? or do they ever.. ?
  10. have they been here before? Don't watch M & H much
  11. I love this couple..I hope they get an apartment.. I think Henry is going to need a couch to sleep on..haha
  12. what the hell is with mira.. they should be comming home to a sexy free for all and she gets pissed. sub titles please
  13. this seems to be a good group forming..they are at a different level of interaction than the other group that just left..they even seem to get ante good for him..even Melissa gave him a little then skillfully avoiding the meat stick..haha..I will miss the old group too..still scratching my head as to why they all left. ..
  14. so do you imagine they are all over at Domi or barts having a big party..sucks
  15. at least the would be the first naked trio..
  16. mad face painter..lol hope Barney is busy massaging..
  17. or is trying to quit vh and get his Singing career started..who knows..he's kind of joined the boring crowd himself..lol
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