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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. Well more power to them..didn't seem completely consensual but who am I to judge..I never visit this apt..great character on this guy..stay tuned
  2. Seemed everyone was arguing..I don't think this evening ended up very good for this apartment..
  3. anyone figure out why everyone is so pissed off?
  4. this will be interesting..Barney is not playing but Leonie is making it hard on him..pay back is a bitch.. I think Condor just might grab that if he gets a shot..
  5. I think with the guests there Barney is starting to panic. I think Leonia would like to play but Barney knows he owes the bank...good TV drama..haha
  6. is that the male guest from Domi's there now? 17:07?
  7. does she invite that dude over of does he just show up. shows him her ass all night then she dumps him every time. not straight on the names there...haha..sucker!!!
  8. Misc I think we have to agree there is a deep divide at to what we all consider entertainment..You either like Kenny and his style of treating people and consider him entertaining and like him... or you don't.. Just like in the states..deep divide in what you consider politics.. you either really like Donald Trump.. or you hate him..lol. About the same number of people in here on both sides..Both are very polarizing individuals.
  9. I don't want him off..has quite a harem going there..Trying to figure why Jane has her leg over that homeless guy..lol. could be revenge sex I guess...anyway look forward to his return..
  10. is dick officially gone? the new dude seems like a fruit cake
  11. that is so fed up..hardly got time to Enjoy P and A.. with fat ass in ther almost the whole time..hope they come back..fat chance
  12. The guy Clara is doting on tonight has come for a long time..this guy has an affection for Clara but Stas doesn't let his get too close most of the time. I think tonight she was suppose to be with him and Stas was gonna be with the other girl..I think Stas doesn't want her showing affection to the other guy ans Clara is not letting up on the trade..Stas is going nuts over it..not a good swinger..Clara is so sexy I don't say I blame him..lol.. kinda comical to watch..
  13. Well.. guess they all have to go get real jobs..VH did the right thing..
  14. I love the natural moments between these two..sexual and not..not as excited about the performance aspect..although is all hot.. Like to see Leona more engaged but it is what it is..Love to see Amina come to call again..
  15. I think she's spices up D & J's sex life..I hope they bring her around from time to time..sexy girl..
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