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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. Actually think there is an age and experience difference. He seems able and willing to jump anything split down the middle and she's turned off or just not interested. These 2 houses are working pretty good right now without guys.. Including Kiko. Hope they can keep it together for a while.
  2. we're down to 2 choices now..He'll either come back and try to tap that again, or we'll never see him again..lol Thinking Second choice..
  3. Anyone know what his relation to Nora is. He almost acts like an employee there. Somehow nora and kiko know him..hmmm
  4. I guess if your on the hour meter. Google "sex shows" you can get all the sex shows you want. Jess is a pretty good girl. Interested to see how he does this. Easier for her with Irma there with her.
  5. Can you imagine the parties if they cleaned house and brought back all the stars..we have had some great women on here..
  6. Well we had a pretty good party ongoing in B2 a few weeks ago. It's so much more interesting when people can be themselves. Even though there are T&A requirements to stay there, every once in a while with the right mix of personalities they bust out and have a great time. I share your opinion. It's all good.
  7. Not sure if these girls leave on their own or are transferred out by RLC but B2 had it going for a while but in my opinion Both 1 & 2 are back to T&A. boring as far as any interaction. Sad to say
  8. anyone else notice as soon as the guys got there the party was OVER.. Was going good!!
  9. It's easy to get down when girls leave the apartment and think things will never be the same again. How many times have we been through this and new people, in their own way, carry on. Never to worry.. tune in and hang on!!!
  10. Teasing doesn't do it for me..I want to see honest expressions of friendship,affection, and lust.
  11. Question: I know it has probably come up and been talked about in the past but as hot as the girls were together last night as soon as someone goes for the lower half there is an immediate stop. There are other female couples in here who go for it, my question is are these girls just not interested or is there a rule about sex in these apartments?
  12. Creepy dudes anyway.. there is a guest room but the choose to sleep together on the couch. Wonder if Hector and Suzan know they are perving them having sex, bathing..ect.
  13. I'll miss her for her positive, playful, game personality. Cute to boot and naked most of the time. Not sure there is a girl that will satisfy all members of this crew.
  14. Well he was there a while ago as well and she was always casually leaning on him, draping her leg over his as a sibling might do. Never saw any sexual advances. would even make more sense if her were an ex that she was still friends with,, Now not sure what it is. I thought the fight was over Hector not liking what ever it is. No excuses for Hector's behavior.. he's immature and abusive.
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