Maybe the new couple will be added to the group with their own apt. I think RLC would be nuts to replace Katya. Maybe not a popular notion with those who like to watch couples just sit around, but Sofia and Roman don't contribute much to the group.
anyone know the name of that video game. they both play it like it is how their life should be. funny part is they are right there together and can't seem to get it right for themselves.
Alma will be fine. Her laugh is infectious. Some stud will scoop her up and whisk her away, (not physically because that would be abusive) but gently into the sunset. Now all we have to do is talk them into getting an apartment on RLC!!!! ;D
The woman is really for those who believe in having something to hold on to.. and also those who believe if you are hunting for bear make sure you can outrun the other person with you. ;)
Bottom line is they are both there for the free rent. Alma is still hot but why else would she show up there at night. And the hummer is simply an idiot.
I like this guy.. if he's not jumping his own wife he's jumping in the bath with his buddy and his girl or junping on the guest in the livingroom..woohoo..patry!!!