That dude is like Messa, Be interesting to see how be blends with this group. Really liked how this house was going. Shame when they through new strangers together, the chemistry is so different.
I was amazed there wasn't one last attack for the road.. This is not a bf gf or anything more relationship. These men and women are thrown together on a moments notice and are expected to couple up or you are gone. M and C hit it off and continued a show that was started by the girls in bed the other night. It was ok then but not ok for N after that. Cheating drama which sells memberships..priceless.
I think more the scenario; rubbing and wrapping your legs around a fing hot woman, then possibly seeing a guy you just met at 3:am including swimming the next day, then coming back and playing hot girlie rub with the fing hot woman again when you get back.. Ladies please, you must be out there. :-\
Don't usually get turned on by the les community but these two girls together are hot. still need to see a guy to buy they aren't just seeing other girls. hope so anyway.
Was thinking they were staying there til the other on was empty. we'll see this weekend.. Until I saw that gif I didn't know they all partied at that apt before..anyway makes sence..