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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. Kristy just lied entirely naked on her bed for 20 minutes . A very rare and beautiful sight, she is almost never naked if she does not have to.
  2. Elisa was at it of a long time, I missed the beginning but it was at least 10 min entirely hands free.
  3. I can't help to notice that 222 people chose wrong. Add the number of votes Lilou and Jenny got and multiply it by 222. You'll realize the devil was at work in this poll . On a more serious note I'd be curious to see the numbers for RLC members only and for "Freeloaders" only. I don't think it is a coincidence 3 of the top 6 are notorious free cams nudists.
  4. I think it's just a kink of their new player because I don't have this problem, did you try using a different browser? Using Safari I had a weird bug when "using auto follow top cam" where the cam select menu would appear by itself after a couple hours and the cam would never change anymore. However I tried Firefox and did not have a problem. On the other hand I have less freezes than before and the image does not seem to lag as badly when there is too much movement. But the player seems to use more cpu than before especially in 2 or 4 view mode. Maybe you should try to contact their support.
  5. Also she changed panties in the restroom and I clearly saw she a pad in her new ones. Everyone can breathe no coke baby for now.
  6. And if being watched by thousands of people wasn't enough they ended it on the balcony. Fortunately we could hear the sound of anezka moaning and see that something was pushing hard against the window. The neighbors must have appreciated. RLC has another balcony on which they should install a camera now Then they took a shower and sang a song together. Finally they started speaking english for no reason. I really like them, they have a great relationship and they're unpredictable.
  7. To avoid any confusion this is not Kamila's hand that's doing the scratching. Her arms are not that long!
  8. Ahah Kristy tried to play on Kamila the worst thought out prank of all time. She was hiding under a blanket on the couch and jumped out when Kamila entered the room. Of course Kamila saw that coming a mile away, she just shook her head in disbelief.
  9. It's nice that the guitar guest got his fun last night. I have never seen the girl before, I don't know if it was his girlfriend but they seemed pretty close. She is pretty and the tomboyish look works for her. I thought she kinda looked like Allison Pill. Also from the times we could see under the covers she rocks a nice bush.
  10. For what it's worth, I think the motion detection is a factor in selecting the top cams because when there is no movement on a camera It almost instantly disappears from the thumbnail list. However only RLC can enlighten us on their exact method.
  11. What you did wrong is that you call "sad" people who do not have the same beliefs as you . You absolutely don't know if she's faking anymore than I do. I have seen this beautiful girl masturbate (or I guess "fakurbate") a lot (and I really mean A LOT) and I have never seen a reason to doubt it was real. That's all I have to say about this. Just one question : If she is faking it (I assume to increase viewership) why would she do it in a such understated way? Shouldn't she make more noise, move her legs, arch her back, make the O face to please people?
  12. It was really good. Nice of Karel to give a helping hand. I also like that after her first orgasm he just laid at he side watching he face while she was working on her second one. I really like their relationship, strangely they don't have sex very often and they tend to masturbate separately a lot but if this works for them who am I to judge. Anezka.
  13. Just a bit of advice, people will take you more seriously if you don't sound like a patronizing ass.
  14. That's not entirely true. Kamila locked the door earlier this morning and I think she only let the door unlocked when she's peeing. It's Kristy who always leaves the door unlocked/open . But I agree that in this instance, Kamila very probably masturbated. As to why se did it that way, maybe she felt like it was a showerhead day, maybe she did not feel comfortable doing it in her bed with Kristy up in the apartment or maybe there's another reason who knows.
  15. Yeah it's sad, it was however preceded by her rubbing her pussy for 20 minutes on her bed. Never seen her do it for so long.
  16. It was for delong. That way if he decides to remove the link it won't still be in your quote.
  17. Come on, Kristy in not the most explosive masturbator but she's not completely still like danaya either. You can clearly see her legs twitch, she just has a mild orgasm. Thank you delong for sharing it is greatly appreciated. Be careful though there are watermarks on the vid that can identify you so you might want to remove the link (and harley too) if you don't want to get banned.
  18. Come on guys she received 2 phone calls at around 11 PM and midnight. When she received the second one kristy was in bed and she went straight to her to tell her. It was not her doctor calling that late. I think she got an exciting modeling job that's all. Also Kamila often plays with her boobs. I can't believe I'm saying that but I can't wait for her to have her period again.
  19. When talking about water, poets tell about the sea and its tides, torrents and waterfalls, summer rains ad winter snow. But the happiest sound water can make is Kristy's bathtub filling up because it is an omen of beauty.
  20. Well let's just say that I watched it a few times already (won't say how many times) and I'm still not fed up with it.
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