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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. Come on guys, he clearly has issues, Elisa's little games clearly upset him. I'm with you on the fact that he should not be there in the first place but since he is it's clear that Elisa should not toy with him that way, that's just mean.
  2. Elisa mad fidel flee once again by parading in her bra. He went straight to Vika. Elisa has a mean side.
  3. Thanks Kitek. Do you have any idea what was wrong with her? Poor kamila looked like she was in a lot of pain last night.
  4. Kamila must feel better, she's putting on makeup now, she probably goes out tonight. Good for her.
  5. 1240 posts in 1 month that's impressive. The reputation thing is pretty simple. when people click on the green up arrow on one of your messages it goes up 1 point if they click on the red down arrow it goes down 1 point. It doesn't mean anything really.
  6. I really doubt they'll stay there for years. I'm just a little tired of seeing people wanting to change the apartment when I like it how it is. There are 14 other apts after all...
  7. She already did it a 2/3 days ago after her couch session. I only counted 2 times today (but I guess you could say 3 because the last one was split in two parts)
  8. I don't know why people people are speaking of "teasing" for this apartment just because there is no sex. When RLC brought back the Ks it was pretty clear that it would be just like Barcelona. It's an apartment with two girls who are not a couple, sex was never on the table. What we've got is an apartment were we can see the great relationship between the girls and also of course nudity. I don't see any reason for this to change, people can watch other apartments if they want. When the girls eventually leave maybe you'll have what you want.
  9. you can't leave her for one second. When she sprung out on the balcony I knew she wasn't over with her fun and after starting cooking her fish she went straight to her bedroom to finish herself off.
  10. Yeah she was not going to spill a drop of wine. This time she brought in the fingers at the very last moment for the Kill. Nice Elisa
  11. It's still there but only for premium cc members. If you want to post pics you have to host them using a site like http://www.anony.ws/ and then select the "insert image from url" from the "Insert other media" drop down list which is just above the submit reply button when you're typing your message you then have to enter your image's url.
  12. Guitar Girl song for those interested. It's a pretty song and she has a very nice voice. (Video No Longer Accessible)
  13. Nothing new. The real interesting thing is that we can clearly see her screen and the pics she looks at are almost exclusively of women.
  14. Man if people were already complaining that apt is like a soap opera with Kamila's ex this takes it to a whole new level.
  15. I think the fighting was between the guests. Kristy does not seem very involved. I wonder who they are.
  16. Ok, on a visiblement des goûts et des standards très différents. Par contre je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire sur Kristy, qu'est que je suis sensé remarquer sur ses fesses et qu'est qu'une approche "soumise"?
  17. Je répondais juste au commentaire de HenriPas qui parlait spécifiquement du physique. Après ton commentaire sur Kamila s'applique à la majorité participants de RLC quand ils sont seuls. Kamila est surtout intéressante à regarder quand Kristy est avec elle. D'ailleurs petite rectification à part 2 3 fois dans la baignoire à barcelone (ce qui masque tout autant), Kamila s'est toujours masturbé sous les couette, le problème maintenant c'est qu'elle le fait aux toilettes. Je pense qu'on a assez déraillé le sujet. Retour aux filles (et fidel)
  18. Kristy, Kamila, Rita, Zoya et Maya sont bof bof? On aura tout entendu. Je trouve que la grande majorité des filles de RLC sont belles. Mais bon comme on dit les goûts et les couleurs...
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