Van Morrison said it best....... You can take all the tea in China, put in a big brown bag for me, sail around all the seven oceans, drop it straight into the deep blue sea, she's as sweet as Tupelo honey.
Nora can't be joining the RLC (Real Life Chubbies). She could never work in modelling whilst being chubby!!
I have never understood how she manages to be soooo inactive, so permanently tired and never put on weight. Maybe in later life she will end up like all the Russian shot putters and be the size of a house!!
Leora moans and moans. Paul grinds then cums in minutes. Leora stops moaning, cleans up and goes to sleep. Paul goes onto computer.
Everyone watching falls asleep with boredom!!!
I think we have to assume that Max is not totally stupid therefore we must be able to conclude that Lora knew about it in advance and that she was cool about it.
A birthday treat is a possibility, as is swinging although being in the same house at the same time is presumably a requirement of swinging (Chevyman 70 could give us their view!).
If Lora accepts the situation then she is one wonderful wife!!!
Fair comment!!!
Did Lora know? Did he pay for the sex? Did he forget the cams were there?! Does he have brains or is so much blood filling that monster knob causing him to mal-function?!!!
Soooo many questions!!!
The girl was pretty and hot (oh and slim!!)
The file is called '14'. Sorry but I am not sure who posted it or when but I guess you need to work your way through the video posts on this thread.
Amazingly he fucks her in exactly the same way as he always does with Lora!!!!
Fuck Nora (oh to get inside that ass!)
Marry Lora (cooks, cleans, works, sucks, rims, fucks, showers, forgives cheating, loves cats, perky tits!!)
Kill - All the arsehole men in RLC
Back-Ups = Maya (cooks, cleans, works, sucks, fucks, bathes, loves cats & dogs, very perky tits! Oh and wears great fucking outfits!) Hang on the more I think about it Maya is Marry! Yeah but she doesn't forgive cheating!!! Shit that swings it to Lora!!!!)
Back-Ups Leora (loads of potential just needs loving)
Max always insists on taking this position that looks like a rutting dog!!! Lora lays like a plank whilst Max finally howls like a dog as he shoots his load.
I was looking at the vid when Max cheated and he did exactly the same positions with the other woman!!!
Lora is too placid and should demand more variation from Max. At least she seems to cum when he fucks her unlike all the other screaming banshees in the other apartments!!
Sadly Lora is now a proper RLC girl - Real Life Chubby!