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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. I totally agree with DFCapp KandK were lovers outside the apt, They were not obligated to sleep together in the same room but they did. The caresses, the kissing and showers scream their feelings for one another, too bad that Kamila was camera shy.
  2. Now this is a shower 6 jets at the same time. From Camsoda master shower.
  3. Cam Soda is better and it's free even the shower and the bedroom.
  4. C'est idiot une fille ! Elle l'emmène dans sa chambre, se couche près de lui , et PAF, je ne veux plus ! Au Québec on appelle cela des agaces-pissettes.
  5. You're right she does . (Guy Béart Emmanuelle's father died last night he was 85 R I P )
  6. The chairs I was talking about are still on youtube type "massage chair with sex functions" You will laugh when you see the expressions on the women's face,.
  7. Nikki like most of the girls can't stay home, she left around midnight (their time) maybe to go clubbing or maybe she knows a guy or a friend in bacelona. I think the downstairs will be empty often. We will have to be content with Carla or Zoya.
  8. Surprenant quand même qu'elle soit revenue, vu qu'elle ne s'entendait pas tellement avec Nora. Et il me semble qu'elle a maigri, son ventre est plus flasque et son visage est plus étiré. Elle est arrivé avec un mec ? J'ai cru lire cela sur un autre post. Moi, je verrais Monica avec elle.
  9. Not now, but usually when girls leave or arrive they put the apt. Under maintenance so the new girls can settle in and get directions from Nora.
  10. True, maybe only assumptions but nobody can say it's not true. What they can't do in front of the cameras they MIGHT do elsewhere. NOTICE: I said MIGHT does not mean that they do, but.......
  11. Similar maybe but she is younger than Kamila and her breasts are real. Kamila's not so sure.
  12. Their last day at the apt. and they deprive us of their presence, No respect for the customers and their fans. I'm sorry but that's the way I feel.
  13. I'm sorry, I cleaned my glasses and still could not see anything that looks like Kami. Kami has almost no nipples while this one has beautiful aureolas and hard nipples, and the face is very different. I would take her before Kami.
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