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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. I have a feeling this is mostly wild fantasy on your part but I like it! Megan really came out of her shell at that party and despite leaving soon after was really enjoying herself and was the life of the party right up until she left. I'd love to see her come back some day.
  2. If the girls are surprised by 3rd party recordings it's 100% the failing of RLC. Any interview with a potential tenant should involve saying "you can expect to find videos of your activities posted online, are you okay with that?". Because no matter what they do they will never prevent it and they know it. Hell we have guys on this forum with softwhere that records the root video without watermarks. If the girls aren't made aware of this fact then it's either negligence or dishonesty on the part of RLC. You can expect these girls to be naive about the tech but the developers that built and maintain the site know damn well.
  3. Ben I'm on your side ?, but you talk like "pornstars" aren't just "sexy, open minded young women". You can make the case that by definition everyone involved in the project in an adult entertainer. You have to be 18 to join the site...raise your hand anyone if you don't jerk off watching RLC...anyone?Rebecca is a Cam girl, is that adult entertainment? My point isn't to degrade, just to show that hiring from that pool doesn't mean you'll have a house full of Deplorables. Most likely girls not so different from what we already have, just willing to go the extra mile.
  4. I want to be clear that in saying that these girls are not far off from adult performers I'm not trying to insult any of them. And I'm not personally upset at the current state of affairs but believe it can be improved.
  5. The line between "pornstar" and what the most recently departed group of girls here would be considered is very fine. I don't mean that as an insult in anyway, my point is I don't think there would be an extreme variance in personality type.
  6. What was Lola? More than willing to have orchestrated sex on cam presumably for extra money.
  7. That's true but models have model friends, I'd assume adult performers would have friends within their industry as well.
  8. For this particular apartment I'd be just fine with that being a hiring requirement yes. Not forced of course, hire people willing to party and have sex on cam.
  9. You're absolutely correct as usual Ben, at least technically. However, there is one reason and one reason only why we are seeing members with lofty expectations and that's poor planning by RLC. We all said it when the first orgy night went down, it was a complete shift in philosophy for the company and most were more than happy with it. Most were okay with sprinkling in a little VV style entertainment to the RLC lineup. Soon after another event, then coupled with almost daily partying and "shows" of varying explicitly. My point is if RLC was thinking they could just go back to this and everything would be fine they were delusional. They must have made a mint off of those nights with new sign ups and nobody was reading the fine print. They saw what was going on and panic bought the product as it was being presented to them. If RLC still wanted to cling to the idea that the girls could just sit around. If they want to claim that that's all that is expected then they should never have gone down the road they did with Lola and the party house.
  10. I keep hoping for Jasmin to break out of her schell a bit but she really feels like dead weight. I do feel bad for the girls that run through these particular apartments now though because the bar is very high.
  11. So sad to see Barca 2 not even cracking the top 10 right now. Oh how the mighty have fallen, only a couple weeks ago it appeared Barca 2 would userp the whole damn site. Anybody else missing "bossy" Lola yet? I sure as hell am.
  12. I've never seen leora go this long without touching her pussy, even just a quick brush. Maybe her friend had some ground rules while she present.
  13. Anytime we get a first or at least something new to any particular apartment it creates excitement.
  14. Camcaps and RLC run on false hope, once that is accepted as self evident the chats become a lot less frustrating ?
  15. I wish her friend would lose the bra and shorts, I'd be satisfied with that ?
  16. I honestly don't know if I've ever seen leora drunk, she putting it back pretty good now
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