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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. You missed some really good naked dancing from Bell in the living room with lots of good angles. After that they went into the bedroom and pulled the covers over themselves and took turns pretending to eat eachother out. Was mostly a joke? I think (I hope). They didn't try hard to make it seem real, Becca didn't even take her underwear off. Can you recall another time on RLC where tenants attempted to fake having sex?
  2. I take everything on the site with a grain of salt but it's the reaction in here that has me confused. Where is the army of "it's REAL life cam it's gotta be real!" people that I'm usually on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from.
  3. I'm glad some of you enjoyed that, god knows you've put in the hours?. But tell me this, if it happens again or becomes a trend, "for a laugh" or not. What will you say then?
  4. I'm sorry I feel like everyone has lost it a bit. You're telling me the logic here is because everything had been so boring for so long that in the end you are happy with a fake out and a laugh followed by an abrupt ending? Were you enjoying Bell on the table? I was.
  5. I hope you're right, It certainly would seem that obvious but that stuff is straight out of the cam girl handbook
  6. I guess by that logic since it was funny but like I said, a slippery slope. See anyone else around RLC faking sex...ever?
  7. Effort to what? Deceive you lol I don't get why anybody would be happy about what we just saw. Funny once yes but a slippery slope.
  8. She seems to have a hard time looking away from herself in the window, to be fair I'm sure it's a nice view ?
  9. Bell seems a little friskier than the last time this went down with these two. Can't keep her hands off her pussy. ??
  10. I kind of enjoy the ambiance of the night vision, particularly late at night for some reason. It's not as sharp but I like the feel.
  11. It's like they just wait for Jas to go to bed to have some fun ?. Same thing the other night.
  12. You know the old adage "if only there was a few more hours in the day". These girls make me so jealous right now. It's almost like they've managed to hit the proverbial pause button on life. I'd kill to take a month off of grinding away at work 50 hours a week to just sleep, sit and watch tv all day. Not to mention just keep that money flowing in.
  13. These two have really been carrying RLC since their arrival. Thank god too because most other have been dreadfully dull. Kitty seems like a genuinely fun, outgoing and energetic girl and smith seems like a good partner for her. Great to have them in the lineup.
  14. This is actually a really good point. In an apartment with no free cams it's important for that model that there are consistent, highly ranked blurred thumbnails to entice new subs. Sinse a free user can't get to know them otherwise.
  15. It's been posted before but being this apartment that's a lot of pages to dig through. I would like to know too because last time I found it I accidentally bought a shitload of tokens ?
  16. You misunderstand me, I was really just saying how much I enjoyed Megan and agreeing with you that she was very happy and open after party and up until she left. The "wild fantasy" part was just a jab :P
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