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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. There is no Azuza. Did you mean Azura or Aziza?
  2. Does that really matter, in this context? It's not as if you get to be under the effect by just seeing drugs?... If society would be a bit more relaxed, drugs might not be (felt) needed. Alas, this is not the case. Maybe drugs help people to cope & relax when they're going to be on cam for a bunch of judgmental pervs? We might see very (even more) boring apartments without... πŸ˜‰ As I said above: people need to stop pearl-clutching about this. People (sometimes) use drugs, especially people likely to sign up for a project like this. Live with it, or watch a monastery live cam.
  3. As if alcohol (which is also a drug, by the way, just a legal one) doesn't make people stupid? lol Anyway, if alcohol use is decreasing, it might have to do with the use of other drugs increasing. πŸ˜‰ People really need to stop pearl-clutching about this, especially in a voyeur project of all things, in one of the party capitals of the world. Please don't expect to see a bunch of nuns. Because that's what you'd probably get if RLC cracked down on drugs (which shouldn't even be warranted because the attitude vs private use is very tolerant in practice, if not completely legal, in Barcelona).
  4. Western Europe. But you're right: I'm up way too late, lol. Always been a night owl though, and I don't have to work tomorrow (not much, at least). Anyway, bedtime now, rather overdue. Thanks for reminding me. πŸ™‚ Edit: if your time zone is -6 hours from mine, you're not up all that late? Just past 11PM/23:00 hrs?
  5. I know. I just didn't see her shower yet (no replay). Did she shower with the lights on?
  6. You replied to Johnny who wrote they were running a bath. But I get what you mean.
  7. Agreed, although they're still taking their bath in the dark (like Shantal does)...
  8. There have been girls on RLC that hid lots more. Valerya most of all (her name should be struck forever from the record of tenants - I think she's the only one that showed literally nothing - and reserved for a new tenant), Liza, Esenia for a long time, & still somewhat. The previous (before Kimberly) do-nothing tenants (forgot their names, good looking, but no interesting personalities) of Gloria & Ashley's room also tried to hide a lot, way more than Shantal. If Shantal wanted to hide more, she could. She could change in the off cam room opposite the kitchen. She could always wear bras & panties, but she doesn't. She sleeps in the nude. She has no problems with quick, 'functional' nudity anymore. But, alas, still with more prolonged nudity, let alone bating. Especially the latter is your main gripe, I presume.
  9. Nadia seems to have good boobs. Nothing to be ashamed of (judging from her bedroom night vision cam). Unfortunately, I didn't see her shower yet. By the time that happens, it will hopefully be with the light on. πŸ™‚
  10. Elettra's new boobs are too big for her small figure, and too obviously fake. Still, they're an improvement compared to her rather unattractive natural boobs. She shouldn't have gone for this big, though.
  11. Cams seem to be fucking up again. Seems to happen the most when something interesting is going on, and therefore lots of extra viewers tune in. RLC should do something about this.
  12. Dylan was having a smoke (or at least sitting) outside his window, I think. (visible in backyard cam), and she was keeping him company from inside, half off cam unfortunately. They're on the bed now.
  13. Is it just me or is Dylan's room cam (top cam right now) fucking up? Image froze & I had to reload 3 times in the past 5 min... 😞 Edit: seems to be better now.
  14. Not generally a fan of fake tits, but neither of saggy/teabag ones. I wasn't too impressed with her boobs, so they might look better now, or not. I'll have to see when (probably not if, in her case πŸ™‚ ) her clothes come off. I would never advise altering fine looking boobs though. Edit: Oh my, they seem to have gotten a lot bigger! I've only seen them in her T-shirt yet, but they seem too big, and therefore unnatural, for her figure. Making them a bit more round or perky would have been fine, but this is probably too much. I'll reserve my final judgment until I've seen them bare, though.
  15. "Better" if you mean showing, masturbating etc.: yes, for sure! (and I think that's what you mean). "Better" if you mean looks and sex appeal: hell no! (for me, at least) We all want different things, and like different types of girls. I do wish Shantal would expose more of her potential, though. If she weren't that gorgeous, I'd have given up on her already. And might still, if she keeps "stalling" at her current level. There is improvement sometimes, but at a snail's pace, unfortunately. She probably shows almost as much off cam as she does on cam, I think. Probably likes to give quick teases when going out etc..
  16. No panties on, but in the dark. Part of her pussy was visible for several minutes (on poor night vision cam though). I was assuming she got more comfortable with being nude on cam for a more prolonged time. But either she forgot she was naked for several minutes, and then adjusted with that hated blanket, or she started to feel uncomfortable anyway and decided to cover up... 😞 Previously, she was wearing a very revealing (at the bottom) brown/skintone bodysuit, and did some gymnastics in it. Pussy still mostly covered though, but revealing side pussy lips and juicy, curvy ass. She's quite a tease. I hope she's just building up slowly, and won't "stall" at the current level of exposure, but sometimes I'm afraid she will... I guess you saw one of the scenes above.
  17. She does, just either rather fast or in the dark (night vision cam), unfortunately. Also lots of quick boob/nipple peeks as she doesn't wear bras. She likes to go commando under her clothes, too. But alas, she's still mostly too shy for prolonged nudity or visible bating.
  18. No problem, I also like younger girls. πŸ˜‰ Actually, RLC should recruit in the 18-22 age range (college age) a bit more, in my opinion (though not exclusively). The average age (rough guess) seems to be mid- to late twenties? I wouldn't mind if that average were a bit lower. Maybe it's more difficult to recruit younger girls? Or RLC is afraid they might be more "flaky", like being absent for days, or suddenly quitting?... No reason not to try though, imo...
  19. Fair enough, tastes differ, and that's a good thing. It's just that by calling someone a 'slut', it comes across as passing some kind of moral judgment on them, while being voyeurs (y)ourselves (subscribed to RLC or not πŸ˜‰ ). But of course it's your full right to be less attracted to these types of girls. Tastes do differ after all, and intonation is sometimes hard to discern from a written text on a forum. Still, "slut" comes across - perhaps unintentionally? - as a rather "morally condemning" sort of word (a bit like some people preferring to call us "perverts" rather than "voyeurs" because it sounds more morally condemning), usually used by the "indignated pearl-clutching crowd", of which there are a few around here. Not saying you are, though, and I don't feel like digging up posts to check. πŸ™‚ I also know now that "slut" is sometimes used in a less deprecating way, sometimes by 'sluts' themselves in a humourous manner, like friends laughingly teasing each other with being "a total slut", with the targeted person confirming with a smile: "yeah, I'm a total slut, lol". If you used the word in such a non-condemning context, then forget what I wrote earlier. I might have misjudged the intonation, which can happen when reading forum texts. But "slut" is, of course, one of those charged words that is prone to misinterpretation when read rather than heard. On a broader scale, it's probably why there are more flame wars on forums than real life arguments between people sharing the same "hobby".
  20. I completely agree. I just explained why I like Ari a lot, but also why she's not my top number one. That's not in any way putting her down, just my personal, and mostly positive, appreciation of her. I didn't even say I didn't like her boobs, just that there are features of her that I like a lot more, and that, with perky boobs, she would have been close to perfect (for me). My favorite at the moment is still Shantal though, despite being an exasperatingly frustrating tease, but with super nice perky boobs and amazing figure & face & moves & panty/bralessness in general. She just needs to do away with covering herself with a blanket whenever she's exposed for longer than a few sec... I'm even starting to watch her a bit less because of that. Hopefully, she'll 'unlearn' those tricks... But I digress. I really like perky boobs, and when I saw Ari for the first time, I assumed she would have nice perky titties befitting her sparkly & youthful face & personality. Alas, this turned out not to be the case (I probably guessed her younger than she is because of her young-ish sexy face), but had it been, Ari would have been my favourite instead of Shantal for sure. She is indeed enormously friendly & sociable with just about everyone, and apparently full of fun & crazy antics now & then, which I also like. Still one exception (even surpassing Shantal): I like nudity by (pretty) guest girls even more... Maybe because there's that "might not get a second chance" feeling... Like for example friends or couchsurfers at Masha's, Don Juan's conquests at Carla & Yanai's (the only reason I watch these apts), etc. But "guest girl ##" is hard to put in a list... πŸ˜‰ And I digress again... πŸ™‚ Anyway, I suppose everyone has a different favourite, for different reasons. And Ari certainly ranks among the top of the current tenants for me. Not putting her down in the slightest. Maybe I shouldn't have imagined her boobs - or guessed her age - before I saw them, lol. By the way: anyone an idea of how old Ari is? When I first saw her (dressed), I was thinking 19 to 21. After seeing her naked, probably rather around 24-25?... So maybe she's 22/23? πŸ˜‰
  21. ok, so you like all the nuns then πŸ˜‰ Please stop referring to people as sluts, especially when you're a voyeur on a voyeur forum, talking about girls on a voyeur site... Not that there's anything wrong with being a voyeur (we all are), but you / we are no 'better' as 'voyeurs' than they are as 'sluts'. There's nothing wrong with either in my opinion, but viewing so-called sluts as worse than yourself (a voyeur), while both 'sluts' & voyeurs are kind of perverts to non-sluts & non-voyeurs, is hypocritical to say the least. I'm sure some 'slutty' people regard voyeurs as more perverted than themselves too, it works both ways of course. Some people like sex with lots of different partners. Some people like to secretly peek at others having sex, masturbating, undressing, showering, etc... Both are on the same level basically. I actually like Ari a lot. She also seems to get along with all kinds of people: both Gloria/Ashley types and more demure types like Nadia. I just wish her boobs would be a little perkier. Not bigger per se, just perkier. They would fit better with her youthful & smiling face.
  22. Who is the girl in bed with Gloria at the moment? A guest? An ex-tenant? From one angle, I thought it was Tani (who is not in her room right now), but from another angle it seems to be someone else. The view is not all that good, but she seems familiar in a way. Liza, maybe? Or Aziza (who's also not in her room)?... Can anyone shed some light on this? Edit: starting to think it's Aziza, but would like some confirmation because of the poor lighting & angles currently.
  23. Edit 3: I posted this in the wrong forum, lol. Should have been B4
  24. Shantal sharing a bath with Gloria & Ashley. Missed the start, though. Seems Shantal is improving, or Gloria & Ashley have a good influence on her!... πŸ™‚ Edit: Oh, seems she kept her bottoms on... Oh well, at least she's showing her pretty boobs for a longer time now. Edit 2: is that a naked Wednesday on Aziza's bed?
  25. We don't need to talk politics. I would just like to know which country every tenant in Barcelona is from (including the non-Ru & non-Ukr tenants, but these two are the most difficult to tell apart, ironically, despite the war...).
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