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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. I was wondering the same thing. Either she's planning to jump in the pool, or she's just being hyperactive. I guess either is possible with her. 🙂 Edit: unfortunately, it's only 15°C outside, with rather wet weather...
  2. Calm your tits, Megan is in bed at B1. Jeez... Some people really get way too involved, as if tenants are acquaintances or family members or something... Or... Romantic interests...
  3. I was thinking it was Sambuka too for a moment, but got tricked by the night vision cams. Definitely not her. She seems to be a friend of Ari. Maybe a possible new tenant? Is she one of the Spanish guest girls (soon to be tenants?) mentioned earlier?
  4. I love how Ashley just parties in her (revealing) lingerie totally uninhibited.
  5. Indeed, that's the girl I was talking about. @Noldus Where/who is the other girl you were talking about?
  6. The girl is sitting next to Aziza on the sofa right now. Or is there another unknown girl I haven't seen yet?
  7. New or guest girl (or old tenant I don't know?) I was talking about is now in Gloria & Ashley's bedroom with some of the other girls. Anyone any idea who she is? Edit: she's back in the living room, on the sofa.
  8. Seems the club of judgmental nagging old wives is present again. Where's a "yawn" emoticon when you need one?...
  9. Am I seeing things wrong because of the night vision cam, or are there 1 or 2 new/guest girls in the living room? I thought the girl with the cowboy hat dancing in lingerie was Ashley, but when I saw her face in the night vision cam I was less sure... But maybe it's her after all? Edit: It's Ashley, almost sure. She lost the cowboy hat, but has some party/birthday ribbon over her lingerie. Then there's the girl in the sofa, next to the two guys. Sambuka maybe? But I think a different girl... Unless those night cams make me see things wrong again?... Edit: almost sure I haven't seen her before, so not Sambuka. Who is she?
  10. I missed Shantal's shower at B7 (without her damned ringlight for once, so I read). Thinking about getting replay, but that's just too costly to be worth it for me... Pity that the usual sites that publish caps from RLC focus almost exclusively on sex (fucking or masturbating), with lots of repeats from months or even years ago, and only very rarely on shower scenes, or simple (guest) girl nudity. So I guess it'll probably never surface there... 😞
  11. For the first time (I think), sexy Shantal is 'exposed' (naked ass & pussy from behind) for longer than a few min. Unfortunately in night vision cams though. Probably she or Megan got rid of the blanket in their sleep. Good for us! 🙂 Edit: never mind, she changed positions & is under the blanket again... 😞
  12. The girls are spending the night at B7 indeed. But, for the first time (I think), sexy Shantal is 'exposed' (naked ass & pussy from behind) for longer than a few min. Unfortunately in night vision cams though. She is spending the night in B7 living room, in the same sofa as Megan. During the night, her blanket disappeared, probably because one of the girls got rid of it in their sleep. She likes to sleep naked (although she's wearing a shirt now, I guess because she spends the night where guys can see her). She is rather demure, but at the same time apparently can't stand to sleep in panties. Good for us! 🙂 Edit: never mind, she changed positions & is under the blanket again... 😞
  13. Does that really matter, in this context? It's not as if you get to be under the effect by just seeing drugs?... If society would be a bit more relaxed, drugs might not be (felt) needed. Alas, this is not the case. Maybe drugs help people to cope & relax when they're going to be on cam for a bunch of judgmental pervs? We might see very (even more) boring apartments without... 😉 As I said above: people need to stop pearl-clutching about this. People (sometimes) use drugs, especially people likely to sign up for a project like this. Live with it, or watch a monastery live cam.
  14. As if alcohol (which is also a drug, by the way, just a legal one) doesn't make people stupid? lol Anyway, if alcohol use is decreasing, it might have to do with the use of other drugs increasing. 😉 People really need to stop pearl-clutching about this, especially in a voyeur project of all things, in one of the party capitals of the world. Please don't expect to see a bunch of nuns. Because that's what you'd probably get if RLC cracked down on drugs (which shouldn't even be warranted because the attitude vs private use is very tolerant in practice, if not completely legal, in Barcelona).
  15. Western Europe. But you're right: I'm up way too late, lol. Always been a night owl though, and I don't have to work tomorrow (not much, at least). Anyway, bedtime now, rather overdue. Thanks for reminding me. 🙂 Edit: if your time zone is -6 hours from mine, you're not up all that late? Just past 11PM/23:00 hrs?
  16. I know. I just didn't see her shower yet (no replay). Did she shower with the lights on?
  17. You replied to Johnny who wrote they were running a bath. But I get what you mean.
  18. Agreed, although they're still taking their bath in the dark (like Shantal does)...
  19. There have been girls on RLC that hid lots more. Valerya most of all (her name should be struck forever from the record of tenants - I think she's the only one that showed literally nothing - and reserved for a new tenant), Liza, Esenia for a long time, & still somewhat. The previous (before Kimberly) do-nothing tenants (forgot their names, good looking, but no interesting personalities) of Gloria & Ashley's room also tried to hide a lot, way more than Shantal. If Shantal wanted to hide more, she could. She could change in the off cam room opposite the kitchen. She could always wear bras & panties, but she doesn't. She sleeps in the nude. She has no problems with quick, 'functional' nudity anymore. But, alas, still with more prolonged nudity, let alone bating. Especially the latter is your main gripe, I presume.
  20. Nadia seems to have good boobs. Nothing to be ashamed of (judging from her bedroom night vision cam). Unfortunately, I didn't see her shower yet. By the time that happens, it will hopefully be with the light on. 🙂
  21. Elettra's new boobs are too big for her small figure, and too obviously fake. Still, they're an improvement compared to her rather unattractive natural boobs. She shouldn't have gone for this big, though.
  22. Cams seem to be fucking up again. Seems to happen the most when something interesting is going on, and therefore lots of extra viewers tune in. RLC should do something about this.
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