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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. I can't see them clearly in the half dark: is Oks the one with the pink top? Or the black bra? And isn't the other Karen? (who Oks shared a bed with at B7?)
  2. I hadn't recognized Oks, but remember her as not bad looking, but rather boring. I assume the other girl is completely new?
  3. I like younger girls, so no problem for me. Also, they seem not as bony thin as Dana by far. At least one seems to have nice perky titties. I agree it wouldn't be a disaster if they put on some weight, but that usually happens with girls anyway when they get older... Or experience a nice new cuisine (like Spanish/Catalan) 😉
  4. They're friends with Sambuka among others, so I don't think they consider them "too low to deal with"... And some tenants in the villas show/do less than Ulyana & Harley. Besides, they've been villa tenants themselves. I rather think living together with a (changing) group of other people might be an issue for them, and that might be why they prefer their apartment where they are among themselves (and in the city center!). I compare it to Zara & Dana recently, who were also rather among themselves and interacted less with the other villa tenants. Some people are suited to the villa life in big & changing groups, others less so, who are better off in a more private apartment. Unfortunately, they both tend to give off a little bit more of a "boring" vibe compared to when they were in the villas... Maybe it's just getting jaded, getting older...
  5. Is Sambuka's guest girl friend that was at B1 today at the party (I saw Sambuka, at least)? Same question for Shantal & her guest girl friend?
  6. I don't have replay, so if someone could send me the vid of Sambuka's friend trying on the bra & showering naked, I'd be extremely grateful. And discreet, as people who sent me things in the past have already noticed. Thanks in advance!
  7. What is short sheeting? And why would that be to our benefit?
  8. 2 nice looking Guest girls it seems: 1) a friend of Shantal, sleeping next to her in Shantals bedroom now. Not too shy, less shy even than Shantal was for a long time. (I think Shantal is prettier though, but that's personal taste). 2) a girl now in the living room with Megan, Sambuka & some guy. I'm seeing her for the first time now. Does anyone know her? Ex-tenant or not? Did she show a lot yet?...
  9. There's a couple going to sleep in the living room. Anyone know who they are? Guests? Ex-tenants?... I saw a flash of boob from the girl in night vision cam, for what it's worth.
  10. So, when did she show pussy, if she kept her bottoms on in the tub? For now, she stays completely under the sheets... 😞
  11. 1st time I see Lacrim's girl. She seems rather cam-shy, unfortunately. Did she show anything yet? (I have no replay) Thx in advance!
  12. Does it count if there's nothing to see because of the blankets?
  13. And we are voyeurs. To each their own, I guess...
  14. In another newsflash: people can have long term relations without being married! They even could be in an open relationship. Imagine that!...
  15. Newsflash: going to a sexclub does not necessarily entail participation in sexual acts. Lots of people go there to just watch (or, in this case, visit a friend working there), nothing more.
  16. Why was Gina banned? I thought it was Bruno who was. But Gina too? Forever?
  17. I noticed the same. I guess her arms got tired. I wonder why she decided to cover her breasts for Lubna in the first place, though...
  18. She may be small & thin like a 14 year old, but her face doesn't look 14 at all (I thought she was in her twenties instead of 19, actually), and her body, while 'petite' is too 'sinew-y' to belong to a teenager, too. I've only seen her on night vision cam yet, though. Maybe she looks younger in daylight cams?...
  19. Sorry, I forgot to add I don't have replay...
  20. I can't hear a thing, as I need my sound for something else... Does anyone have a short summary of the discussion? Thanks in advance!
  21. What did they talk about? And why is Nadia so mysteriously covering her boobs in front of Lubna?
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