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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. I cannot ask why you care?
  2. Strange, I've been to Germany often (never been in Scandinavia though, but I hear they like their joints in Denmark). People are sitting by the lake or in a park, some of them smoking joints (sometimes I joined having a smoke, but not too often anymore as I don't really like the tobacco part of the joint 😉 ). Police patrol by, but nothing happens... I noticed this not once, but several times. I actually never saw police intervene when people were smoking joints. They only did when, in Berlin, some creep was harassing some (semi-)naked swimming or tanning girls. And he wasn't the one smoking joints lol. The naked and joint-smoking girls were left in peace, but he was luckily taken away by the cops. I'm talking in or near bigger cities (Cologne, Berlin,...). Maybe it's different in a village in Bavaria or something...
  3. It can get you a ticket in theory, but chances are low. Nobody cares. You'd have to be doing something else wrong as well, or make a nuisance of yourself, to actually be fined for it in most places. A bit like you usually only get fined for public drunkenness if you are actually behaving annoyingly/harassingly in public.
  4. Joints (i.e. cannabis) are decriminalised in Spain, IIRC.
  5. You're not the one able to decide what constitutes crossing "the line" for someone else. That decision, whether he crossed the line or not, would be Aziza's in this case. Not yours or anyone else's.
  6. A lot better looking, though! 🙂
  7. Glad to see Shantal again at B2, and having fun. 🙂 My guess is she will occupy the space of the next tenant to leave one of the B apartments, unless they find 2 girls shortly. Then they might reopen B1.
  8. Glad to see Shantal again, and having fun. 🙂 My guess is she will occupy the space of the next tenant to leave one of the B apartments, unless they find 2 girls shortly. Then they might reopen B1.
  9. I meant now, in her room. They left her alone after a while and no one stayed with her, which may indeed be for the best, in Wendy's case. When the scream & fall/jump happened, they had no idea what was going on initially. If she was seriously hurt or not. When I first heard the blood-curdling scream, I thought she'd found a dead body, or met an axe murderer or something... So it was normal that they went to check. How would you have reacted if they hadn't, especially in case she had actually hurt herself badly? Hindsight is everything...
  10. I wasn't talking about how the rest feels, but how best to deal with Wendy's situation. If Wendy made it clear she wants to be left alone when she is having a crisis, it is best that they indeed leave her alone, although it's a bit counterintuitive: with other persons having a crisis, it's generally better if someone stays with them. But they probably / hopefully did the right thing in Wendy's case by leaving her alone.
  11. In that case, it may be understandable that no one stays with her. Hard to decide what is best, for those around her...
  12. I'm sure Wendy's scream and fall/jump were not fake... Also, if Ashley (& gloria, and...) were fake, she would be an oscar-worthy actress. There are actually girls (too few though, because of social norms imposed on them) who actually enjoy a promiscuous lifestyle! It's not just guys (who are forgiven that kind of lifestyle more easily, though they get jealous reactions as well). Compare that with when, for example, Severina tried to act 'sexy' to scam guys, but you could clearly see she didn't actually mean it or enjoy it. That was fake.
  13. OK, then she must have jumped after I saw her go around the corner. But then she screamed before she hurt herself, so rather a scream from distress / anguish than from physical pain...
  14. Was her scream before or after she jumped? Or maybe the scream was not hers, but from a girl who noticed her jump?
  15. Take it easy with the mocking comments: she opened her laptop... I don't know if she reads this forum, but I wouldn't want her to in her current state (or maybe ever).
  16. Because she fell (or jumped?) & hurt herself. She's crying now, but I don't know if it's from the pain, emotional distress, a call for more attention, or several/all of those. Maybe someone should stay with her.
  17. A lot of people complain about "staged" things, but this certainly wasn't. "Real life", after all, even if unintended...
  18. Now lots of them are in Anthony's room, comforting Wendy. Maybe she hurt herself (by accident, hopefully). She seemed to be smiling again. Didn't see any police.
  19. There was a loud scream from (I think) Wendy. A bit later, I saw her crouched on the terrace, then getting up and disappearing behind the corner. No idea why she screamed, or what happened though...
  20. Is Don Juan at the party? In that case, we might see more of at least one of the hot guests...
  21. Not necessarily. I wouldn't say Valerya has potential, for example. And she did / showed a lot less than Shantal (i.e. nothing, as far as I know). Even a lot of girls who showed more (or rather: longer) than Shantal I wouldn't credit with having lots of potential. Potential, to me, is a mixture of showing stuff, good looks, charisma/sex appeal, and growing to be a more 'daring' exhibitionist.
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