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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Jab just a question, why say it's her real name even if it's true and she wants to use her real name in the project, as others have already done so? For me it was enough to say that Katrin is now called Diana without necessarily going into details.
  2. in all honesty we have other participants who are worse than these two girls, i leave it up to you to find out who they are
  3. last night is still a special night don't you think? it is normal for them not to be locked in the apartment Unlike the girls of B2 who stayed in the apartment (at the same time clubs are closed), Serafima and Radislava are girls who live in Barcelona when they are not participating in RLC, they have family and friends in this city. So it was almost normal to see them go out to celebrate the new year
  4. Every time Ariana goes to B4 for a party, instead of having fun, she gets bored and isolates herself, she seems to have more fun staying at B1 with Serafima and Radislava
  5. We can say whatever we want but Daniel succeeded where Martina and Aleksandra failed
  6. Ça ne l'empêche pas d'être assez fraîche ce matin pour rigoler avec les autres des événements de la nuit
  7. Wanting to make it a competition, I find you much more boring than these two girls
  8. I don't judge, I just make a simple observation, I don't doubt their relationship and the feelings they have for each other because I know that they have been together for several years and we can also see it with the relationship they have with their family On the other hand, it is not the first time that they drink like yesterday and we already know more or less the outcome of this. The problem is that drinking does not solve everyday worries, Kitty seems to take things too seriously when Smith prefers not to react and go through things without flinching most of the time. I know this kind of relationship very well because my grandparents lived like this for 65 years
  9. the kitchen is especially the easiest place to prepare the meal for the evening of the 31st and that's what Megan did, the other girls were there to accompany her but Gina can only do trash unfortunately
  10. but it's also pretty sad if they need to be drunk to have some semblance of relationship
  11. C'est quoi le rapport avec une communauté étrangère, RLC ou la raison sociale par rapport aux règles et lois misent en place en Espagne pour lutter contre le covid19? Aux dernières nouvelles RLC et surtout B4 n'est pas une Ambassade, donc la loi qui s'applique est celle du pays où se trouve la maison, donc l'Espagne dans la région de la Catalogne Les habitants de cette maison et des autres appartements sont assez grand pour connaître les règles sanitaires et s'ils veulent prendre le risque de les appliquer ou non Au pire s'ils font une soirée avec Martina et Alberto, ainsi qu'Ariana et B5, ils seront 13 dans la maison, car je ne pense pas que Radislava, Serafima et B2 soit de la fête Donc un tout petit peut plus que les 10 tolérés, après à eux de ne pas se faire remarquer
  12. I think I have the same talent as Ariana for wrapping gifts
  13. pourquoi? est t'il interdit aux reines d'avoir de la cellulite et de s'assumer comme elles sont?
  14. there have been changes over time and some cameras have been replaced by new more efficient cameras
  15. c'est parce que tu n'es pas aller voir ce qu'il ce passait après le bain dans la chambre
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