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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I did not know that your comments made sense and yet you express yourself in English, like what is not the language the problem 😁
  2. If she decides to leave soon like what the clues to B4 may suggest I can say that I enjoyed having Milena during this long time and having been able to see all these good times with her, she has come a long way since her first participation a few years ago As we say we age like good wine over time, and that's exactly it with Milena, the fact of being in a relationship and happy made her much more sympathetic to follow, she had cordial contacts with all the girls, I was pleasantly surprised to see her fiancé come to the different apartments where she was Even if the baby was not necessarily conceived at rlc, because I think it was done during a romantic weekend away from the cameras, I find it very nice to be part of this evolution of her. woman's life I wish them happiness in the rest of their life
  3. Most of the participants from this group of people are in the 18-19 age group. At this age we often do quite young, I am 34 years old and I am often told that I look younger, maybe people are just nice not to offend me Sometimes people of 16 make 20 so ultimately it's better to have 20 and make 16
  4. Because you really believe that what Malia and Leora do is done naturally, you make me laugh for not seeing the obvious Most of the things Leora does is extremely calculating to make sure she's on top cam, you can see her movements and placements towards the cameras, as well as the glances at her phone. You allow yourself to judge girls harshly and to love these girls when they do exactly the same things, then I understand that we cannot necessarily love everyone and that we have different affinities depending on the person, However, it doesn't necessarily deserve to treat these people the way you can Me at least I do not disrespect anyone by saying that they do the same things as others, I just make an observation of the events
  5. No, this also happens during the week, we will say that they must be tired of going out often (Just having a laugh too!)
  6. At the moment, I have a lot more respect for the girls of Barcelona than for the girls who are only present a few hours a day and a few days a week to put on a show like what they are doing right now, all that is missing is the sound of the tokens and we could imagine ourselves on a private chaturbate show but hey it takes good for everyone we will say, on the other hand I wonder why you are on the defensive by being insulting towards other girls when there is no disrespect on my part towards your "angels" It gives the impression that you too are frustrated to see what happens to them I wonder why they never want to have a massage on the day when there are parties in the other apartments
  7. I sincerely think that you live in denial my good friend Pepe Your two little angels do exactly like the girls you disrespect, so in a way you disrespect your little angels
  8. I don't want to give you false hope but in my opinion we will not have Russian friends of Masha before mid 2021, or even 2022 On the other hand, I think there is a small chance to see her Italian friends, those we have seen this year
  9. c'est ça le truc que tu n'as pas compris, il n'y a aucune star dans ce programme car déjà ce n'est pas un programme, tu ne regarde pas une émission de télé réalité comme Secret Story ou les Anges à Miami et ce ne sont pas non plus des acteurs même si certains aiment le croire Après je peux comprendre qu'on ait des préférences envers une fille plus qu'à une autre mais faut pas non plus que ça parte à l'obsession jusqu'à dénigrer ou donner des intentions envers d'autres personnes qui n'ont pas et jamais lieu d'être Et je peux te dire que toutes les autres personnes présentes dans cette maison ou dans les autres appartements sont tout aussi difficilement déchiffrables et tout aussi intéressant par leur diversité ou leur différences
  10. Comment tu veux que je devine de quoi tu parle surtout que tu n'es pas explicite dans tes posts tu parle de support, le seul support que je vois dans cette chambre, c'est celui qu'elle utilise pour prendre des photos je ne suis pas omniscient comme toi, désolé et vue ton comportement, j'espère vraiment que tu ne trouve rien concernant Holly car encore désolé de te dire cela mais tu fais peur avec ton obsession vis à vis d'elle
  11. c'est le même aussi qu'utilise Linda c'est un support pour appareil photo avec lumière intégrée
  12. OK, so I can tell you no, there are no more visible thumbnails of this apartment since we last spoke about it, I've been pretty vigilant lately so for the moment, we have to tell ourselves that this apartment will not be back right away
  13. Yes i think too, and he is wrong if he thinks it was an official forum for RLC RLC tried to close RCLF like CC three years ago by using DMCA requests, so before the closure of russians appartments
  14. What's the name of this forum? And informations about apartments location come from CC 🙂
  15. You mean today? I didn't pay attention but I haven't seen a thumbnail of this apartment since the last one we talked about, it was two weeks ago I think
  16. No CC is not and has never been an official forum for RLC Besides I don't think that RLC had an official forum I think you are talking about RCLF and this forum is CC's little brother, managed by the same admin and moderator forum
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