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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I understand nothing of their conversation but the only thing I know is that I really appreciate it 😉
  2. I'm wondering one thing, are you basing your comments on the latest numbers or looking at the entire line of the graph? Because in my opinion this kind of graph should be read in full and I find it rather interesting to see the fluctuation of the different curves We can see that there are ups and downs during the period of the last 6 months whether for RLC or VHTV And if we look, RLC despite the fall of the month of November is still very much higher than the figures of June while that of VHTV is simply slightly higher All this to say that I would not bury one project in relation to the other because things are still evolving quite quickly what worries me the most is especially the constant descending curve for some time compared to CC
  3. Megan is just a consolation prize, it wasn't her who was in Martina's collimator
  4. They aren't all Russians, some are UKrainians, but yes some have limited Visa
  5. but that doesn't necessarily mean she has another apartment in Barcelona She could very well have left her old accommodation to join B1 This is also what happened for Gina
  6. I don't think so because I'm not sure Linda really has a sister but we saw Tibor's brother many times
  7. None of them are Linda's sisters, they are only friends
  8. There is a great possibility of luck that this baby was conceived outside of the RLC apartments as it would coincide with the moment when she was away to join her fiancé, long before this one came for the first time in front of the cameras. In view of their relationship together in the different apartments, this baby is far from being an accident and I think it is just the normal stage in their couple life. They seem to go very well together and I find it very nice to share this evolution of life and I wish them all the happiness in the world in their next step
  9. I found the party at Linda and Tibor's very interesting because you can see that everyone is having fun normally, it's a real party with friends as I can live with my own it's the feast of Saint Nicholas, a feast that I also have in my region in France We can see that the cameras do not prevent people from having fun and sometimes it allows to have this kind of very nice moment with people who have no connection with the project, being only guests and especially real couple's friends https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/16_11?ts=1607211445&from=share It is for this kind of moment that I subscribe to RLC every month, with the loss of apartments in Russia and the covid which has added to the difficulty, this kind of moment has become quite rare, hoping that we can have a nice surprise in 2021
  10. moos54


    And so for you the first cause would come from the clubs? Do you know how many posts have been made in the last 24 hours in these famous clubs compared to the public forum? We must have a dozen to break everything, so if you compare with the public forum, I think clubs don't have the side effect you seem to think. As I said before, if there is nothing of interest in the different apartments of the different projects, it is normal that people discuss less And since members prefer to take the lead instead of simply talking about their different opinion, it also means fewer people want to take the risk of coming to discuss on the forum.
  11. Are you aware that the names used on RLC are not those of the participants in real life?
  12. moos54


    How do you know it's not the same as you for others? Do you really think that people who discuss together only talk about what is happening on RLC or CC? LMAO like you said
  13. moos54


    I feel jealousy in your words 😂 but I'm sure you also use PM with other members, otherwise how could you get videos from a site you don't like
  14. moos54


    We must also ask the question of why these good members decided to flee the forum or to create private discussion groups. there are surely lessons to be learned from all of this Without hiding anything from you I am part of private discussion groups and from my experience I do not think that it is only these groups that have an influence on what can happen on the public forum The greatest influence is above all what happens directly on sites like RLC and VHTV, it is they who largely determine the affluence of members on the forum
  15. moos54


    a member asked a question, I just answered him, I did not exceed my rights as you can understand I find it funny that you can have this kind of proof but still not have all the right information You accuse me of being blind but you have it just as much because you only try to make your arguments without taking into account the whole
  16. moos54


    Photo of what? I have nothing to hide Amy You can think what you want, I know that you are wrong about a lot of things, whether it is on the moderators or the functioning of this forum Frankly this kind of "Team" has existed for a long time, long before the arrival of VHTV, and did not need to create a club for it. Some people share the same ideas and convictions and it is also normal that they act in the same way towards other members who could be more virulent about their ideas and convictions, this is how society and world works, just have a look at what's going on in the politics topic
  17. moos54


    Being perfectly honest with you, the two people you accuse of hiding information are not really doing so as I see a lot of these so-called state secrets on the public forum. Problem is, you're at war over something really trivial that doesn't really impact the public forum (I'm talking about clubs) Always being honest with you, I share a lot of PM with groups of people (RLC fans) who could no longer be the targets of other members every time they posted something on the forum.
  18. moos54


    Because you think you don't? wake up a bit I think we moderators are old enough to know how to sort things out otherwise I think a lot of borderline members would not be on the forum for a long time
  19. moos54


    I agree that Jabbath did not act well at the start of his club and that's also why we acted on our side Did we do everything right, maybe not but that's how it is you underestimate the power of the PM, you can easily do focus groups with at least 30 people or more and generate a lot more feed than a club I know it from experience and yet these same members continue to discuss for certain on the public forum
  20. moos54


    We have complaints from a lot of people who are not necessarily part of these clubs, so that means that the problem does not necessarily come from that only the system is not perfect, we are not perfect, but we try to do the best People have convictions and like to defend them, personally I have nothing against that since I have mine If I listened to myself, sometimes I would punish everyone, we must not forget my avatar photo
  21. moos54


    I think we must above all ask the right questions, what does VHTV offer since the creation of this famous club, in fact not much new and above all they have changed direction by opening more and more apartments with camgirls and porn actresses We can see that this does not interest the members of this forum more than that even if it has allowed VHTV to gain subscriptions I sincerely think that the contents of these sites have much more influence on the members of this forum than to have created a club within the forum For the fact that there is a divide between the members of this club and certain members of the public forum, I think that the fault is in the two camps which are too proud and stubborn to put water in its wine so that everyone can enjoy the experience of these sites I also sincerely think that some members also scare away members of the forum for fear of verbal reprisals, it goes both ways, whether positively or negatively
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