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Everything posted by moos54

  1. c'est normal, les membres non premium n'ont pas la possibilité de modifier leur commentaire
  2. Elle aime simplement charmé les gens et ça marche avec nous 😁 En tout cas je peux te dire une chose, il ne se passera rien ente elle et Bogdan
  3. Personne n'a rien fait a tes messages Par contre, s'il y a bien une personne qui chasse dans cette maison, c'est bien Holly et pas Bogdan 😁
  4. no one said the apartment was online, just the thumbnails were visible, several times last week you could see the apartment was empty and once this week you could see the couple was present So it's probably only a matter of days before this one goes live for good.
  5. it is easily justifiable to make Gina move at B4 even though I think Ariana would have more of a place compared to the girls who live there at the moment Gina has been in the project since April so I think her time was limited but we can also see how difficult it is for rlc to find replacements, we have proof of this with the departures of Elmira and Amy It should also be taken into account that all girls are not necessarily comfortable sharing an apartment or a house with couples. So I think they preferred to keep Gina because nothing bothers her and it's even a godsend for her but I don't think Cesar is part of that otherwise we would have him more often at B1, he has his own life to manage
  6. Je trouve cela marrant de penser que Holly est une gamine influençable alors qu'elle sait très bien ce qu'elle veut et qu'elle est loin d'être un ange 😁 Par contre je suis d'accord pour dire que Holly est magnifique et que c'est la fille que je préfère en ce moment depuis le départ d'Amy
  7. I wouldn't bet on it, I think there is more chance that Gina will be away to join him than he will come into the house
  8. I have never seen so many members having learned to speak Russian in such a short time 🤣
  9. he just knows what she wants to tell him He already asked her what she was doing and she lied to him about her actions saying that she was at home when she was out all weekend 😁
  10. Ils ne font que discuter, comme des amis peuvent le faire et Holly a l'air d'aimer ces échanges Bogdan n'a jamais rien tenter et ne tentera surement jamais quoi que ce soit avec les filles, tout simplement parce qu'il n'est pas comme cela et qu'il aime sa femme
  11. yes, that's why she wore a mask a few days ago, it was to protect her lips
  12. I am sorry to say this but no he don't know everything, she often lies to him
  13. the problem is that you don't know the difference between the RLC entity, the participants and the members of this forum who like to talk about what they can see within this site So in the end you insult and disrespect everyone, so do not wait for the other members of this forum to tend the other side either I think we all agree that the leaders of RLC are stupid when they ban subscribers who have shared content or when they try to close this forum, on the other hand that does not prevent liking the content and find the participants of the project hyper interesting Except you, as you are at war with RLC, you put everyone in the same basket and you allow yourself to insult people As I said before, you have to know how to sort things out and unfortunately you don't know how to do it People who subscribe to this kind of site do so for the content not for the container
  14. like that they can come in GOV, Gay on Vacation
  15. sorry but we are not part of the same world I'm talking about human behavior made by participants that I can see evolve unlike you you make a comment about RLC you can come talk to me when you learn to distinguish between the two you barely came back to the forum and you are already insulting people who have a different opinion from yours and I have the impression that you will never learn from your mistakes, maybe @StnCld316 is too nice with you and with the sanctions that he puts on you regularly
  16. They probably kept in touch with the phone every day being in different apartments, I think it will always be the same even if Amy has left the project.
  17. bye bye lovely Amy thanks for coming back, it's always a real pleasure to see her again even if it will not please some I hope we will see her again in the future
  18. With what we saw the last time that Eva was present in an Rlc apartment, it is that she and Sam are surely not together anymore
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