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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Ou est-ce que tu vois que je donne mon avis sur eux ou que je dise que j'apprécie cet appartement? Mon avis je le donne seulement sur les différents commentaires et l'orientation que ceux si peuvent avoir au niveau du forum Je suis d'accord que la propreté est importante et que les gens aiment bien se moquer de leur hygiène de vie, moi le premier vue que j'ai lancé l'idée du jeu des 7 erreurs Il n'empêche que même si la vaisselle n'est pas faite et qu'ils ne se sont pas laver depuis 3 jours, s'ils baisent non stop et qu'en prime ils ont des rapports avec d'autres personnes, je sais déjà ce que l'on va trouver comme commentaire au sein du forum 🙂 Le problème c'est qu'ils ne font pas assez le show pour les abonnés, c'est pour cela qu'ils ont le temps de remarquer la saleté 😁
  2. Parce que tu crois vraiment que les abonnés de vhtv regarde le site pour la propreté de la vaisselle ou de l'appartement? 🤣 Regarde les divers commentaires sur le forum et tu comprendra facilement ce que les membres recherchent vraiment
  3. If this is what he had as a problem, he is not really lucky because he had suffered the same kind of injury to his shoulder or arm two or three years ago.
  4. I agree with you Even if sometimes the replay does not work properly, I am very happy to be able to review some moment from 10 days ago Otherwise I would not have had the pleasure of enjoying this wonderful bath that Amy took on November 13 A real beauty this girl 😍 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  5. It's something that happens all the time in this apartment, each time the couple who stay take the big room to leave the small room to the new couple.
  6. they moved the two or three big suitcases two days ago to keep only this small suitcase to leave lighter
  7. I often have problems but it's often because of my computer which is getting really too old now I just launched the replay window to come back 10 days ago for Amy's bath, I can see this beauty without problem
  8. sûrement par ce qu'il doit y avoir des ouvriers aux abords de la piscine ou proche de la piscine, vue que toutes les caméras extérieurs sont en maintenance
  9. I doubt that the other members, who post photos and videos from free cameras, should do what you say, but anyway that doesn't really impact you since you don't want to have to do with RLC anymore, right?
  10. Ça n'empêche pas les membres premium de les entendres
  11. according to the law, having exceeded the validity of your visa means being illegally in a foreign country The consequences are that they will no longer be able to travel to Europe for a period of 5 years. As for Alexandra and Lucian, I think they wanted to make the most of what rlc could bring them and they will be able to move on to another chapter of their life as a couple by returning to their country.
  12. I believe that several people have already said that this person has already been to another apartment, he has come two or three times to B2 during parties organized by the girls who are present in this apartment at the moment he has also already come once or twice to B5 often in the presence of Lucian and Bogdan This person is neither more nor less a person whom they met in Barcelona and who is part of the same Russo / Ukrainian community, because he speaks the same language as them
  13. I would be surprised if we can see them again soon, like most of the people who have stayed very or too long since the beginning of the year Even if the effects of the pandemic must be taken into account, these people still need to have a valid visa to be able to come to Europe, which is not indefinitely extendable and taking into account the laws in force in the field, I think they are not going to return to rlc anytime soon, in Spain at least
  14. Ça s'appel être participante du projet Il y a une différence entre participer pour quelqu'un et travailler pour quelqu'un
  15. More than that We saw her body changed almost 16 weeks ago
  16. it's just your ip that is blocked, if you use a vpn, you can again have the possibility to see the free cameras if you are a premium member, you lose your subscription and the vpn will not resolve this loss
  17. Tu ne peux pas comparer les deux situations qui sont complètement différente, et désolé de te dire cela, mais il y a beaucoup de respect dans leur couple vue qu'ils en parlent tout les deux ouvertement et qu'elle ne lui cache rien la discussion est la base de tout donc il n'y a aucune trahison de qui que ce soit dans cette histoire
  18. Je ne suis pas certain qu'Alberto soit bisexuel, voilà pourquoi il ne fait pas la même chose 😁
  19. I found the whole evening interesting, the atmosphere was fun and pleasant Monica and Amira have a real bond, a simple look and they manage to understand each other, it's also nice to see how Amalia acts and reacts when she is with the guy, she is too charming anyone who thought it was impossible to have a "real life party" in an apartment like B2 should reconsider the question now 😁
  20. if I'm not mistaken he was just repeating the lyrics of a rap song
  21. Not the first time Carla has had French friends visiting their home twice
  22. As far as I can see, they seem to be just good French
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