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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Holly looks like she bruises herself quickly She did a lot of crazy things in the bathtub during the party with Martina She also often works out in the fitness room alone
  2. I can understand because it is out of the ordinary and then people say that participants can no longer surprise subscribers 😁
  3. I agree with your words Girl reserved, which is not necessarily compatible with sharing your accommodation with several people I liked that she didn't participate in the show if she didn't feel like doing it but I would have liked her to participate more in the community life in the house, it's a shame to see that she preferred isolate herself instead of eating with others In any case, she still makes me want to see her again one day because her naturalness and her beauty were a breath of fresh air And above all I see that despite her being shy and having stayed in her room most of the time, the others seem to like her
  4. Au vue des maintenances que nous avons eu avant que Bogdan et Nelly ne redeviennent participants je suis persuadé qu'ils ont tous déjà été présent dans l'appart de Martina et Alberto J'ai vraiment l'impression que Martina à fait une chose grave comme tuer quelqu'un alors qu'elle a juste passé une bonne soirée Elle n'a rien fait de répréhensible, elle a discuté avec des filles, elle a mangé, elle a dansé, elle a joué à des jeux, elle a bu du vin et elle a simplement embrassé une fille, c'est pas la mort quand même Elle est assez grande pour décider de dire à Alberto ou non ce qu'il c'est passé cette nuit, comme elle est assez grande pour dire ce qu'elle fait quand elle fait d'autres soirées
  5. So if I understand correctly, is she allowed to party, drink too much and kiss girls only in her private life, that is to say off the cameras?
  6. I'm just saying that we don't know how Martina has fun when she goes out to party, most of the time Alberto stays in the apartment and Martina comes back in the night or in the early morning, she doesn't always come home sober so lots of things can happen that we don't see
  7. And i am pretty sure she's wearing this for viewers not for him 😁
  8. her real name is not much of a secret to those who pay attention to what is going on in the apartment because all the guests and friends, who came to the apartment, at least once used the real first name of Carla or Yanai 🙂 but i agree with you because her name here is Carla, nothing else
  9. Je ne défend personne, je dis simplement ce qu'il se passe sans prendre partis de quoi que ce soit Tu es libre de ne pas le croire si tu en as envie Il faut prendre tout le contexte de ce qu'il c'est passé pour permettre de se faire un avis éclairé des évènements Je met simplement en perpespective certain éléments pour que tout puisse être pris en compte Je tiens quand même à dire que Masha connaît Nelly et Piper depuis plusieurs années, bien avant de participer toutes ensemble sur un site qui s'appel RLC et que Martina est en relation avec Nelly et Bogdan depuis des mois, donc quand elles viennent en visite à B4, elles ne sont pas en terrain inconnu comme tu peux le penser
  10. it is not a question of liking or not this kind of thing, and especially I base my thoughts on what I see every day for at least 3 years, date on which the couple appeared on the site, which is not your case This is not the first time that Martina has been away and returned the next day in a different state, which suggests that the evening was surely eventful and therefore that anything can happen. we must also take into account that Martina mainly came to see Nelly because she wants to learn to speak Russian, and so she can also teach Nelly to speak Spanish I don't see anything wrong with it
  11. it is difficult to know if the cameras have any influence on Martina's actions, she often goes out to party without Alberto and sometimes comes back in the early morning in an alcoholic state moving forward, who knows what happens when are there no cameras? we must stop believing that the participants are angels when they are no longer seen by the cameras, because in the end anything can happen when they have fun outside
  12. the problem is that he makes a comment on people he doesn't know, otherwise it wouldn't shock him to see Martina having a party without Alberto being present, because that's what they do from time to time since 3 years
  13. Looking at Holly and Piper's reactions to the moment Martina and Megan kissed, we can see it wasn't planned and that they were as surprised as we were
  14. wine also seems to be a big actor on the reactions of the girls, it has more effect than a simple fake show in my opinion
  15. this was also what happened at Carla's, Bogdan was visiting especially to give an envelope, the couple showed him the apartment and RLC woke up to put the apartment in maintenance because see that giving couples money envelopes doesn't seem like something subscribers should see
  16. The fact that she does not necessarily understand the language must play on her behavior, because Taylor makes the same kind of face when the girls around her speak Russian when she does not understand anything.
  17. I don't remember having seen her at Martina's, but I've already seen Bogdan at Carla's, so yes I'm sure that Nelly and Bogdan have been in contact with Martina for several months now.
  18. there is an interesting thing in this kind of meeting, it is that each one can bring something to the other, one can learn Russian and the other Spanish, I find that great
  19. it's only Nelly, Martina, Holly, Piper and Megan in the tub others are already in bed
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