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Everything posted by moos54

  1. it's still strange to see that there would only be fraud in states where Trump loses his lead when everything is perfectly normal when he catches up in other states he is especially losing his own supporters with his speech of fraud when you lose, you might as well do it with panache with your head held high, the opposite of what is happening right now
  2. Haven't we heard of possible corruption from Russia, haven't we heard of the FBI investigation into this and the fact that the person in charge of the investigation was fired by President Trump himself If he had nothing to be ashamed of, then why did he do this? I do not claim to know everything or understand everything about what is happening in the United States, but from an outside eye, shady things were also present in 2016 for the election of Trump This is especially what I have trouble understanding because it's almost illiant to see what Trump is denouncing at the moment, when he was surely elected thanks to that 4 years ago
  3. there was also corruption in 2016 to get Trump elected and he was in power for 4 years, so nothing new is it?
  4. he probably wanted to talk about the 2016 election which is far from being an election of the American people
  5. There is a big difference between my words and yours, I thought that at your age we could tell the difference ^^
  6. How do you know it's not me? After that she has not yet met me, otherwise it will be obvious to her of course, she will run away
  7. So we shouldn't count the advance votes? those done by mail or by internet because of covid? these people do not count in the end? Because that's what it's all about
  8. Can you express yourself without insulting others? or it's daddy Trump who forgot to teach you how to do it, given the bad example he shows to the world every day
  9. Yes, it's still crazy that a political party wants all votes to be counted because every American voice counts whether it is for one party or another while the other tries to invalidate the votes or to stop the count to be sure to say the winner What's the point of winning like this? But it's nice that the Americans decided this year to come and vote, and with the high percentage never seen so far and the fact that the results are so tight, it proves that Trump is far from unanimous in the country.
  10. Of course the fact that he licks Trump's ass has nothing to do with the fact that he has an unbiased opinion of the situation
  11. So can we conclude that all of American politics are corrupt? Because the presidential election in 2016 with the election of Trump was far from any corruption of course
  12. This is advice you can apply to yourself Would you be bad luck, first of all you were a big fan of Kamila, she left before the loss of the apartments in Russia Now you support Trump as if you were the First Lady and he's not far from having to pack his bags too 😅
  13. some videos are published either on our forum or on other sites so it's not too hard to get this kind of video
  14. Of course it will be a real pleasure to see them again if they want to come back, they have shown a lot of potential, either as a couple alone or as a host receiving friends.
  15. I don't think it is Nelly and Bogdan either, otherwise we would have probably already seen the couple packing, which is not the case. I also don't see what former couple could return to this apartment because most of the old ones seem to have turned the page Unfortunately for some, I do not think that it could be guests of Carla and Yanai either. I think it will surely be a couple that we don't know but I could be wrong We will see, hoping that RLC does not take too long because I feel that a new confinement in Spain is emerging like in France right know
  16. It's hard to please everyone I'm sure this was already the case when Carla and Yanai were added to the site, some were immediately negative when seeing Carla's return At the beginning, they were also away very often on weekends and the negative comments came Now everyone is sad to have lost them it will surely be the same with any couple, they will never be as good as others, people will complain and then after getting to know them better, we will learn to love them
  17. I'm not trying to defend anyone, a member asked a simple question about Serafima, I give him a real answer not mistaken by my feelings towards her whether I like her or not Is she already masturbating in front of the cameras? The answer is yes, It's as simple as that there is no request for temporality in this question, so whether she did this 2 years ago, 1 years ago or even yesterday It does not matter
  18. sure but we can't deny the fact that she did this anyway, whether it was 2 years ago, yesterday or even tomorrow
  19. each person is different from each other so i dont think it helps to compare Serafima and Ariana the question was simple and I simply answered this one, yes Serafima is already masturbating in front of the cameras without hiding, it is the reality of the facts, nothing more For a girl you accuse of doing nothing, I still find her very generous in nudity I find it a pity that this is not enough for some and that they always ask for more, to believe that beauty is not enough and that the only thing that matters are the shows 😞
  20. yes at least one time in the bathroom on her first participation
  21. maybe I misinterpreted his words but I only ask a simple question that is more or less unanswered he makes a comment with an allusion to money, I just ask if this is not also the case elsewhere than on rlc, since this member is a member of another project called vhtv, this allows to confront the opinions what makes us a member of a project while being critical with another when the ultimate goal is more or less the same I naively thought it might be interesting to know anyway, it's not a big deal
  22. I think there is a misunderstanding on your part of my words I'm just asking you a question if this is not the case with the participants of VHTV in relation to your criticisms towards the participants of RLC? personally I already know the answer However, that does not prevent you from being a subscriber to VHTV, while also making reviews For me, being critical is more of a compliment
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