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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I have a question, how did you create this thread? it's exactly the same thing in the end
  2. so you should watch only few minutes after this 🤔 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording We can see that Lilith causes Taylor to go towards Tani's pussy and prevent Tani from putting the panties back on. So there was a desire from Tani to stop this but she was prevented from doing so by Lilith In 2023, this is considered as sexual assault and it is punishable by law, which was not necessarily the case a few years ago.
  3. that's not totally true, there were pairs that didn't share much with each other but were close to other girls in the other apartments
  4. But a beautiful pussy she shows us every day 😁
  5. from your point of view, not mine As I said I see a lot of things so it's that stuff is still happening 😁 Because you think you'd be comfortable from day one if you walked into one of those apartments? yet you will have signed for 😁 Everyone reacts differently in this kind of situation and yet nothing says that they will not be one of the best couple on RLC over time. Are you watching today? because they kiss and talks a lot 😁
  6. How can you know it? Don't jump to conclusions about things you don't know I remain convinced that this kind of participants can also have their audience because each members subscribes to this project in relation to different things, some will subscribe only for one girl when there are 20 apartments and especially one thirty different girls, so why wouldn't they also have members who subscribe for who they are? Personally I subscribe to see the daily life of the various participants and I gladly accept that they do not necessarily have sex every day, however I see lots of other very interesting things For example, Vera seems to be an artist We also see that there is an attraction between the girls The girls don't hide when they take showers and I have the impression that they feel more confident with the presence of the cameras day after day RLC is not a race, things have to progress gradually and as naturally as possible
  7. Pourtant c'est toujours la même fille qui vient rendre visite au couple depuis qu'ils sont devenus les nouveaux participants de B5, ça doit être sa troisième visite depuis le début de l'année et elle était aussi présente à la soirée organiser par Lavika à B2 quand nous avons pu voir Wednesday et Wayne pour la première fois en tant que guests
  8. In fact, you don't like anything about RLC ^^ I have a question, is it only sex that counts? I ask because there is a lot to see in this relationship, but for that you have to know how to open your mind
  9. you know what you're talking about since you do it all the time, moreover it's even present in this post 😁 Do yourself a favor, stop commenting on something you don't understand, it will save you from looking like a dumber person than you should be.
  10. Like Martina/Alberto and Karol/Kos in Barcelona
  11. The only truth about this link is that the mom is watching TV, because nothing is happening in the bedroom 😁
  12. I don't know if you see the difference between our two points of view, personally I see and hear what can happen on RLC with my subscription, while you only base yourself on the comments of forum members I'm not sure that your opinion in this situation can be really relevant. However, I'm not saying that I'm right about everything either and I don't think I talked about love either between Taylor and Kristy, but it is clear that there is something between them that goes beyond "shows" and "rlc" Otherwise they would not plan to leave for several days to visit one or more cities in Spain together I believe you had the same opinion when Holly and Thor first started dating and then joined the project as a couple, you always said that it was only for RLC's money that they did this and that they weren't a real couple I can tell you that you were wrong about that so you can still be wrong about Taylor and Kristy's relationship
  13. Tu te trompe 😁 C'est la même fille qui était déjà guest chez Karol et un peu aussi à B4 avec Leia Toi tu confond avec Debby
  14. are they awake to scold her because it's not time to be back home, mom and dad must be angry with worry 😂
  15. from nowhere? really? Taylor has literally been trying to get closer to Kristy for several months, moreover she explains it very well in a discussion with Raniya when Kristy took Taylor's actions badly during the last party at B4
  16. ok je comprend mieux ce que tu veux dire, personnellement j'utilise le traducteur google au lieu de celui du forum pour éviter ce genre de problème
  17. Thor, Samson and Tim were alone too when they joined or rejoined the project
  18. Question: pourquoi utilise tu un traducteur pour écrire en français?
  19. You mix up a lot of things and you make the wrong conclusions about almost all the events you explain.
  20. look like you missed this 😁 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording and this RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
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