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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I think you just taught me something because I never paid attention to it It would not be new by chance? well done
  2. yes i have the impression that things changed after this event but this is very strange because it was not the first time For the rest, not having all the information, I prefer not to speculate, but for me a few things have changed in Bonnie's head, and I don't think it comes from Rama the funny thing is that at first everyone felt like it was Lucian who had a problem with his wife sleeping with Bonnie, when Rama looked ok, and now the comments are going in the opposite way
  3. The fact that the apartment is empty while they are on vacation also makes it possible to invalidate some theories, in my opinion, regarding the arrival of the different guest couples, who would only be invited to help attract more views. Because if it was really their primary goal by having this kind of party, I think they would have surely made the necessary so that there are people during their absence Afterwards they have been absent for less than 24 hours so difficult to conclude anything
  4. If the couple has not yet given the information, it is difficult to be able to do this, it all depends on whether they will be away for a long time or not.
  5. At least they decided to take it with them to take care of it but it also means that the apartment will be empty during their vacation stay
  6. same game as usual they even start to make me want to come to their place to play this game
  7. why not, I'm sure Diane can save the team by knocking others out with her big boobs
  8. she may be fed up with beating longevity records
  9. now that I see her in profile, I no longer have any doubts that she is pregnant I even feel like Carla asked if they already had the baby's name
  10. In view of the fact that Carla is very happy to see this girl and that she often runs her hand over her belly, I think that the female guest is surely pregnant
  11. the guy has already been present at several parties, he was close to one of the girls we saw last weekend it is the first time on the other hand that I see this girl, surely her new girlfriend
  12. ok thanks I didn't think he would be there so if they go on vacation for a few days, I guess people will come to the apartment at least to take care of the animal
  13. So a pretty cute animal that normally attracts girls, which I have never seen And above all it is an animal that lives in a cage, that says cage, says maintenance, and the same I never saw the couple do that a cage also takes up space and this kind of animal likes to walk around and is not made to stay only in a cage But I would like someone to post the replay timestamp if I missed this kind of thing
  14. Ah yes indeed, small error on my part, I thought I had answered Darkman for the second message I just wanted to prove to you that naked girls in this apartment, we had them long before this lockdown For sex with the guest couples, I would like to remind you that the two couples started by covering the cameras, which does not really work with couples who came specially to fuck in front of the cameras to attract the views. I also want to remind that everywhere on RLC, as soon as there are guests in the apartment, it attracts a little more comments, and as Carla and Yanai quite often party at their homes, it is normal that the comments are increasing, moreover this was always the case when they were doing parties before the lockdown, especially when you have three friends who pass by the shower as we had at the end of last year It should not be forgotten that Spain has just experienced, like most countries, a very bad first wave of contamination, and that it is normal, for socially active people like them, to want to reconnect with their friends, as what they did before this lockdown For the so-called animal, no I am not convinced, because from one I do not see the couple taking care of it and from two I find it strange that no guests pay attention to it whereas generally animals attract people, therefore as I have not seen real evidence of its existence, I remain skeptical I may be wrong and you may be right, but for the moment, I remain on my position It's the same for the girl who came recently, it is not because they have known her that recently, that she has not become a friend of the couple, and then she did not show anything to the cameras apart from a pretty neckline during the white and blue evening For the rest, I don't want to fight to show who is bigger and who knows this couple better or not
  15. he's just the same guy we saw before He's the one who was with Leora the first time and it's always him who was with Malia in the evening when Leora went out I think we can at least consider him as a friend, nothing more
  16. toi qui aime les comparaisons, je crois qu'on peut aussi trouver les mêmes choses sur internet que ce que peuvent faire Malia et Leora dans la chambre ^^
  17. There is no translation problem because my message was intended for someone other than you They don't only have gay friends, for example the girl we saw on the sofa and this week in the guestroom has been coming to the apartment from time to time for at least six months but she seems to be recently partnered with the guy we saw this famous weekend because he was not present the first time she came Another guest of this party was already present during another party in October 2019, moreover we could have the opportunity to see her topless ;-), so long before this lockdown In my archives I have a lot of girl guests who took at least showers in this apartment in 2019, always before this lockdown I sincerely think that you make a false impression of what is really going on in this apartment because from the beginning, we have parties with various people, some of whom come back from time to time and often most of the girls have not had afraid to show us something Even if I don't understand everything they can say to each other, I have other possibilities of information (maybe better) than what Ze can translate or understand, and it's not because they met recently with some, they are not part of their circle of friends now If you pay attention to the people who come, you should realize that most have the same passion, dance, it is not a coincidence and this is how you allow you to meet new people
  18. C'est pour cela que j'ai nuancé mes propos mais cela reste une possibilité pour tout le monde On ne connaît rien de la vie des participants avant qu'ils n'arrivent sur rlc et c'est la même chose quand ils partent du projet, la seule chose que l'on sait, c'est ce que l'on voit et ce qu'ils veulent bien nous montrer pendant leur participation, et même avec cela on ne les connaît quand même pas vraiment
  19. as I said, we never really know people, put a camera at your place, if it finds, you will have good surprises 😁
  20. Given the principles that you seem to have and that I understand, I would like to know a few things Why are you here? Why did you take out an RLC subscription before getting banned? because I am sure that watching or talking about other couples lifes, whether it is to sleep, eat or fuck, it must also be surely contrary and wrong to these same principles of life ... end of the story
  21. Because you think you know your neighbors on your fingertips? Do you know everything about them until you know their sexual frequency and their positions? It's enough that one day information comes out in the neighborhood, and I'm sure you will be the first to say, damn I thought I knew them, simply because people want to show us what they want Do you really think that a single 20 year old girl when she goes out to a nightclub doesn't go with ulterior motives? Just fall on the right person and she can easily end up in bed with him, whether for fun or something else Do you also believe that if your neighbors in financial difficulty would refuse if one fine day they are offered to put cameras on their home and that they would no longer be obliged to pay the rent? Do you really think that everyone would refuse such an offer? It's all about choice in life and what we tolerate ourselves For my part, I have already surprised a neighbor couple experimenting a foursome with a couple of friends of their own, however that did not prevent them from getting married, having two children and even being happy in their couple life That didn't stop my 18-year-old former neighbor from making a threesome with his girlfriend and a friend of her, and yet they're also still together, but they aren't my neighbors anymore, damn All this to say that yes the walls are thin in my apartment and that I have a beautiful view of my neighbors' courtyards from my kitchen window Yet when we see them in everyday life, they all seem to have a classic couple life I would end on that, do you think your neighbors know that you are a pervert who likes to watch naked girls on the internet while having paid RLC for years to have it? I am convinced that you were and that you are still a good husband and father but it is not because other people do not follow your example that they are worth less than you ps: it's not a story of having morals or not, it's just a story of having tolerance
  22. Of course you can't like every time the debate starts to be interesting, you simply can't because you don't have any real arguments to contradict me One day or another, you will have to admit that the people who participate in this kind of project are normal people and that they could very well be our own neighbors.
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