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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Macron is smarter, he will let his health minister go to the fire in his place
  2. we must not forget also that the beaches are open again 😉 shopping too
  3. A drug, anakinra, originally intended for rheumatic diseases, gives "encouraging" results for severe forms of Covid-19 disease by reducing the risk of death and the need to be put on a ventilator in intensive care, according to a French study that offers a ray of hope. "The significant reduction in mortality associated with the use of anakinra for Covid-19 in this study is encouraging in these difficult times," writes rheumatologist Randy Cron of the University of Alabama (Birmingham, United States) in the specialist journal The Lancet Rheumatology where the study appears. He underlines the "favorable safety profile" of this drug well known to rheumatologists. The goal is to counter the "cytokine storm", an uncontrolled inflammatory reaction implicated in severe forms of Covid-19 pneumonia, leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A situation where the lungs do not provide enough oxygen to the vital organs, which requires the assistance of artificial ventilation with the use of a respirator. More specifically, anakinra targets, to block, one of the cytokines involved in this "inflammatory storm", interleukin-1 (IL-1). According to the medical team, Thomas Huet and his colleagues, from the Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital Group (GHPSJ), the administration by subcutaneous injection for ten days of anakinra (trade name: Kineret), to 52 patients with 'a severe form of COVID-19 allowed a' statistically significant reduction in the risk of death and of going into intensive care for respiratory assistance by mechanical ventilation '. A quarter of patients treated with anakinra were transferred to intensive care or died, compared to almost 73% of those who did not have this biotherapy. The comparison group consisted of 44 patients who had previously been treated in the same institution. In the group receiving anakinra, a rapid decrease in oxygen requirements was also observed after 7 days of treatment. "In the absence of access to therapeutic trials including immunomodulatory drugs for our patients, the decision (...) taken to offer anakinra, according to severity criteria decided in a consensual and a priori manner, quickly changed the face of the disease indoors, ”explains Professor Jean-Jacques Mourad, co-signatory of the study. "The profit was palpable on a daily basis," he said. "There are currently a dozen clinical trials exploring the blockage of cytokine IL-1 associated with Covid-19 inflammatory storm syndrome," writes Dr. Randy Cron. Three small series of cases (including one from Italy) reported that anakinra benefited patients with COVID-19. "But this study provides the most convincing evidence to date that anakinra can benefit patients suffering from the cytokine storm syndrome associated with Covid-19," he continues. "Pending results of controlled trials, anakinra gives hope to those severely affected by Covid-19," adds Dr. Cron.
  4. I don't know why, but I'm starting to have a passion for cleaning, who thought that dusting, putting on clean sheets, doing the dishes or even vacuuming could be as exciting. 😍
  5. Did you know that gangbangs or group plans have been around for a long time before we had the idea of making films of them? So the world of porn has not invented anything in the field of sex and normal people make this kind of fantasy also in real life, do you know the existence of sex shops? or swingers clubs? there are no cameras in these places and yet there is a lot going on in terms of sex, so why not couples on a site like VHTV? I will not contradict you on the fact that some participants are professional in the field of porn, there are more and more camgirls or actresses, I can not deny it, but there are quite a few other apartments within VHTV which contradict your remarks and I do not think in this case that we can make a generality whereas a part does not correspond to the description So we just have to accept the fact that some participants will never do all the things that porn addicts want to see
  6. No need to wait 5 years, they have had a higher mortality in recent months than in the last 10 years, so this proves that the covid has done a lot of damage In fact, you have to compare with previous years to realize the covid effect on mortality, I don't see the point of comparing with things that will happen later, if that happens the covid will only come back in 10 years How do you stop an invisible enemy, because as you say, even by confining the population it did not stop the spread of the virus So if I understand correctly, only China would be guilty? For my part, all countries are guilty of not having anticipated such a pandemic when there were infected tourists in all parts of the world in january or february I think it was you who told us that the virus in the United States came because of travelers coming from England, in this case why not criticize England for not having done the necessary before? You can take all the precautions you want but we live in a world that is constantly moving, just see the air traffic
  7. I know you like to compare with Sweden, but have you read their results in terms of mortality? me yes, and it's not very glorious Can we also talk about Brazil, which wanted to do like Sweden, where are we in terms of death? too much For some they are only figures but I think we quickly forget that behind these figures hides real people, who would probably not have died for the most part if they had not fallen ill from the covid
  8. Sorry to say that but for the moment I haven't seen a lot of other articles on this product or others for that matter European countries have launched a large study on different treatments but the data is difficult to circulate between them On the other hand I would like to know why you want to defend this medicine so much now? I understand that the United States with the impulse of Dr. Fauci had very good results with another treatment, why do you never talk about it? I do not criticize your famous treatment, I criticize the idea that it is the miracle treatment by seeing only through it when we are far from having results guaranteed at 100%
  9. the only thing I understood when there was the peak of contagion in March, it was that you had to stay at home, whether to protect yourself or to protect others, that's what I did for two months by going out only twice to do food shopping I also understood very well that there was not yet a miracle cure even if certain medicine can help to fight the virus, but there are also people who recover from the disease without any medicine, so it is complicated to really know if it’s the drugs that really help For my part, I am not a big fan of self medication and when I get sick, I never really heal myself by going to the doctor or taking medication If the authorities find a vaccine against the covid, I would surely go to get vaccinated, but more because it will allow me not to transmit the disease to other person, because that is what I find terrible in this whole story is the ease of transmission just by talking, you can kill people, it becomes completely crazy and surreal
  10. The criticism is good when it is constructive, which for my part does not seem to be your case when you make your posts, I have more the impression of seeing someone who complains because he has not what he wants, it's a bit like you're having a childhood whim I liked the critical eye of @Sparkles at the very beginning, it's a shame that it doesn't do it as before
  11. Remind me the slogan of VHTV please? You're watching real people in real homes in the real time. What happens there - is being streamed on Voyeur House TV. I may misunderstand this slogan but at no point does it mean that participants must be robots and do whatever premium members want So yes I am serious with my words, it is the same that I use for the participants of RLC or VHTV
  12. Do not take things personally, I was simply making a general statement of reality, whether you like it or not, from the start, you do not understand what the different participants could say, why would it count more now?
  13. Ridge I just posted an article from a drug study, I didn't do anything more You defend Trump well for saying that he never said that drinking bleach to fight covid was a good remedy, so why are you suing me Do you already have a bias? No study is perfect, there are often people to contradict because these same people already have strong convictions about the situation I am not a doctor, scientist or researcher and I am not trying to be, however I can understand the figures even if they are not entirely accurate, the only thing I see in relation to this study is that this drug is far from being the miracle cure otherwise we would not have at present 360,000 deaths worldwide and if it were so miraculous, why not establish a vaccine with this molecule? Good if it cures patients, but other drugs seem to be just as effective
  14. I love it, I'm even in 7th heaven Are you aware that you don't have to watch if you don't like it? You have 38 apartments on VHTV, I am sure there is one where there are interesting things to see I prefer to focus on that rather than complain about having nothing in this or that apartment for the moment There has already been a good time in this apartment and there will surely be more in the future At worst with the operation of VHTV and managers, if the participants do not get more view, they will be replaced by others so no need to really get attached to them, it is useless
  15. it's the weekend, the weather is great and warm, bars and restaurants are open again, no more depression on the evenings on the sofa watching TV, they will finally be able to run the champagne because almost no spending for two or three month 😁
  16. criticism in itself is not prohibited, the only problem is that you criticize these people because they do not do what you want
  17. Huge problem? Are you sure? How is this a valid argument for the language barrier problem? When you visit and subscribe to this kind of project, you know from the start that you will not necessarily understand what they can say to each other In any case that does not prevent from appreciating people for who they are and what they do
  18. tu es sérieux ou c'est du sarcasme? parce que tu ne peux pas être plus hors sujet avec ce genre de propos Sinon faudrait m'expliquer la présence de filles comme Assol ou Amelie dans ce cas ^^
  19. mince je n'ai qu'une seule de ces qualités que tu cites, du coup c'est pas demain que je vais me trouver une copine ^^ je te laisse chercher ma qualité
  20. tastes are different for everyone Personally not being perfect and far from being Apollo, I do not ask that the girl be perfect in return In our case with the cleaning ladies, we do not ask that they be openly naked, what is fun is to find little oops from them when they are present for a completely different task I also have a lot of fun doing this kind of thing with any guest who can show up in any apartment for me it awakens my voyeuristic eye and it changes everyday to see naked girls all day
  21. She was sad for two days and they met again, they even fucked together two days ago They probably discussed and we could define their relationship so that they are at the same level Gina likes him very much, he likes fucked It would not be the first time that a girl (or vice versa a guy) forgives for an infidelity
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