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Everything posted by moos54

  1. For the moment, Trump and you too prefer to follow the treatment of the covid which was found by a Frenchman
  2. The situation in the United States remains very complex In France, all non-essential operations have been postponed so that a large part of the doctors and nurses take care of the patient positive covid for this first and I hope unique wave If the front covid calms down then they will be able to resume their original work as well as the operations that were planned
  3. the balcony is the length of the apartment, we do not see the space behind the camera which corresponds to the window door of the room of Ulyana and Olivia
  4. you have to have priorities in life, and for the moment the covid is the main priority for everyone because it is transmitted very quickly
  5. Most prefer counted like this, as soon as there is presence of the covid then the death is counted in the statistic covid I think this is quite normal, especially since we discover every day new effect of this virus So if this is found, the heart attacks happened because of the covid, maybe without the presence of the covid, these people might not have died of a heart attack right now I will take my grandmother as an example, if she falls ill with the covid, it is almost certain that she will die from it, having some health concerns that are manageable for the moment, on the other hand without the covid, she can live for several more years no problem
  6. Frankly, I find it silly to blame one country more than another because this virus appeared for the first time among them, if it were not in China, it would surely have appeared elsewhere in another form Our current economic model as well as free movement in the world could only allow this virus to come everywhere in the world especially since a certain part of the population does not feel any symptoms while infecting other people who will develop the disease Personally, I find that accusing China, as Trump can do, is also a confession of weakness Because in the end, he blames China for not having been able to contain the virus, but in the end he does not do better than them in his own country It's just a way to divert attention so that we don't watch his own fiasco
  7. Let's just hope that we can learn from our mistakes and that we will all be ready next, because even if there is no second wave, there will surely be a pandemic again in several years
  8. Brazil wanted to do like Sweden and see what happens now Not every country was hit by the pandemic in the same way, so I don't think we can compare I read a study on the United States saying that mortality could have been halved if confinement had taken a week earlier I think it's the same for all the countries that have been hit hard by this virus
  9. Don't we say that love makes you blind We have the perfect example with Gina In fact the concern is that women and men do not experience this kind of moment in the same way It's a hard time for Gina, but I think she can say thank you to Ulyana, because in the end Cesar has just shown his true face, this saves Gina from wanting to deepen this relationship which had no future as long as Cesar will only think with his dick But we also know the story of Ulyana, she lived the same kind of mishap and yet she forgave Marat, moreover it is surprising that this story of cheating comes from Ulyana, but it may also be necessary to take into account that there was a party with illegal products and alcohol So there is always a possibility that this will be the case for Gina in a few days, once the disappointment and the tension have subsided
  10. I love it, people in general complain that nothing real happens in this kind of apartment, even saying that everything is fake And when an event that we qualify as a real moment of life happens, these same people still complain
  11. Martina and Alberto used this room when they had their rats, Alberto had built a big cage in the shape of a shelf Now he looks like he put a car simulator Otherwise Martina's best friend or Martina's brother have already slept in this room
  12. they aren't Russians, so yes they are not afraid
  13. If i am remember well, Sara was the first rlc girl he met
  14. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31180-6/fulltext
  15. there is a wide blind spot under the front door For my part, I never put my mask on at home, but only when I am outside
  16. it is not because she made a kind of threesome with Ginger that she cannot have a feeling for him, especially that they did not stop kissing together since this famous evening The only problem is that Gina almost fell in love with him, while for him, Gina is just one more girl with whom he can empty his balls In addition, during the threesome, she was willing to share this moment with Ginger, while with Ulyana she is not agree at all
  17. In France, since May 11, we have started deconfinement, we are prohibited from meeting more than 10 people to do sport in public places and we are obliged to keep our distance, however in private places like our home , we can meet as we wish It's the same in the Czech Republic it must also be taken into account that the Czech Republic has not been affected in the same way by this virus as other countries As everywhere social distancing is privileged but it is especially to avoid large gatherings of population and that the virus does not spread too quickly This country has never experienced tension in hospitals, they tested part of the population with very few positive cases The country considers that they have passed the epidemic and life is resuming its course They simply have to wear the mask as soon as they leave their home
  18. each country handles the pandemic differently, it is better to find out before saying anything
  19. For the simple reason that it's Masha who gives her the money for the work she does Indirectly it may be RLC who pays since they pay Masha, but the cleaning lady as the masseuse are people who come in relation to Masha's request
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