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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Après tu peux toujours contacté le support de rlc pour leur dire tout le bien que tu pense de leur travail car sur le forum il n'y aura jamais aucun effet Mais bon toi même tu sais comment ça se passe zakkari oups moutarde 😁
  2. Comme dans toutes mise à jour il y a des bugs Je me rappel un jour qu'il y a eu aussi du son dans la chambre d'amis de l'appartement de Julia et Eric sur une des deux caméras alors que d'habitude il n'était pas activé Après quelques jours, ils l'ont retiré Si tu veux mon avis, je pense que toute les caméras ont la possibilité d'avoir du son et la vision de nuit mais ils font comme bon leur semble Normalement si tu n'a pas le logo du son à côté du nom de la cam, je dirais que c'est encore un bug comme il a pu en avoir par le passer et qu'il y en aura encore dans le futur Maintenant est ce que c'est vraiment primordiale de l'avoir, je ne sais pas et je dois dire que cela me passe au dessus de la tête tellement je m'en fou ^^
  3. Plage, piscine, salle de sport, session photos, faire la belle, ect...... Il y a plein de possibilités, c'est cool 😉
  4. I see a lot of comment about Kristy because she has sex with her boyfriend in the apartment I think many have forgotten the episode about Kamila with Egor to put this kind of comment
  5. Kamila's room is still a real battlefield 😁 if he is here, he hide his face
  6. sad day for me 😪 I was really lucky to be able to live this experience for so long and I enjoyed all these moments with her ❤️ I hope with all my heart the best in her future life ❤️❤️❤️ love you ❤️❤️❤️
  7. See all the comments that this departure raises for a few days, finally Kamila still leaves a footprint in our community, we love it or hate it Unfortunately, with less than a last-minute surprise, this is the end of an era within RLC, the one that initiated this site to open a real roommate apartment, which is for me a great idea ❤️ Kamila is a gorgeous girl and I have enjoyed all the time for 3 years in her company and I find it a pity that many we forget that, because even if these moments were 3 years or 6 months or even only two days, they have still passed Who would have thought that we would have had the chance to see Kamila so long after her stay in Barcelona, that we would be lucky to see her as a couple with Dima or Egor, that we would see her do the epilation down body well in front of the camera, it would always be fun to see her sleeping naked or naked in the bathroom, we would be sad when she cried with the health problems of her family (her mom and then her dad), that we would laugh with her when she was happy 😘 And above all, I must say that without Kamila, we would have never had the presence of Heidi, Katya (our favorite little blonde) and especially Kaley (from the beginning, when she was only a guest, I had a crush for this girl, she gives off something simply with her eyes, and I do not need much more to appreciate a person). If I push the reflection, I would say that without Kamila, we would not be Kristy either, and frankly it would be a shame because this girl is a breath of fresh air ❤️ Let's not forget a lot of girlfriends who are in this apartment and most of them have ended up in the shower, naked of course 😁 All this is still very good memories and I prefer to remember it as well 😘 So I'm finally one thing to say for these three years that allowed me to get away from my daily life ❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️
  8. There is no doubt for me that the viewers or hatters have no power over the decisions and choices that RLC people can make, otherwise we would not have had Desiree or Julia for years in the project If we look at the forum, it would be the same thing compared to Maya because the forum gives the impression that nobody looks at her and that it makes no audience Compared to 3k, do you really believe that if the girls were fired, they would continue to act as naturally as they are doing? I just think it's life going on, kaley met someone and if I'm not wrong I think she's going to join him, something he'd already asked her to do For Kamila, she probably leaves for other reasons that only look at her but believe she leaves because she does not want to sex as kristy is completely irrational as an idea For Kristy, I do not think she's changed her behavior since the 3 years she's been in this apartment, she's just evolving in her relationships, and that's the first time she's really with a guy that she really likes a lot, so she is experimenting with another sex that she did not know until now with her former lovers (most of whom are just Tinder dating)
  9. In every apartment where there were changes, new cameras appeared the next day, like Eva, Lana, Anabel, Nina and Kira. So there will surely be an addition of one or two cameras, probably tomorrow, one in the bedroom to put the camera in front of the bed as at Lana or Nina and Kira for example, and seen the new position of the camera of the kitchen , it seems logical that they will put a new camera where they go at each party to smoke the shisha and is the recess of the kitchen
  10. maybe because a cam 10 in the bedroom is in this way sooner than later 😉
  11. the sense come when they make parties with a lot of friends who want to sleep or fuck before sleep 😁
  12. i don't think we have an outside on this apartment, but we have a big dead angle with the old living room setup
  13. Kamila can stay if she want, she's pretty even she show less than the beginning, she has a lot friend too who was seen naked in this apartment A new roomate apartment, or a big house like B4 because we have a lot of Angels 😁
  14. they changed the view on the kitchen today, so yes maybe a new cam in this area like a new cam in the bedroom, i hope a new cam too for a better view on the couch, but maybe i dream too much 😁
  15. No she's not a manager, but the manager who doing what you said isn't Juliet Manager
  16. You have a lot of people in this apartment, so he can't be dead You have also the choice to watch 31 other apartments if you want, now 32 with the new who is open today
  17. for the moment Kristy is only on vacation with her boyfriend i have a dream since i saw them, an Angels roomate apartment, maybe the reality in the future 😉
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