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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Il suit simplement l'exemple de sa chère et tendre 🙂
  2. I just want to know what Anna did in the past to believe that she is not the same now? Apart from the famous evening with her bearded friend, the rest of the time she did nothing special, you say that the others do nothing level in sex, sorry to tell you that but Anna masturbated under the cover, so we do not can not really say that she did anthology things in the past For me she's the same Anna
  3. yes i watch her everytime i can 😉 she's fun and beautiful
  4. Leora is old too, this place should close too? 😁 i know already the answer
  5. I have the impression that this is the first time you see a couple in love fucking because they really want it and I think you still have not understood the concept of VHTV, because we are still very far 😉
  6. It's exactly what she do, because Ginger have her phone in her hand too 😉
  7. yes Moscow and Saint Perterburg are in the same time zone
  8. you have to know how to live with your time, now even women have the right to vote 😁
  9. c'est parce que l'action n'est pas dans la chambre en ce moment mais plutôt dans la salle de bain 😉
  10. I think I had predicted it since the opening of this apartment Like most other couples, fucking hard in the first month and then the routine for the VH member settles and so apart from orgies to bring back the audience, there is no chance to survive in this world of brute with the rules set up by the manager in this country
  11. Usually when she takes off her panties and she puts fingers, we can say that she masturbates 😉 She does not masturbate so often, as she makes love with Robert almost every day
  12. yesterday she had a dick in her mouth, not so much Catholic/ Mormon/ Amish girl 😂
  13. Bah moi je ris pas mal aussi quand tu vois qu'il n'y a pas de boulette ^^
  14. Tu vois tu essaye de faire de l'humour et tu tombes à plat et surtout en complet hors sujet J'ai jamais dit que DE etait présente hier soir, je dis simplement que la blonde qui a dormis sur le canapé est l'ancienne petite amie de DE et qu'elle est déjà venue plusieurs fois dans l'appartement Rien de plus
  15. Je vois pas trop pourquoi il faudrait être humble, en fait il faut déjà aussi avoir un peu d'humour pour comprendre Mais cela n'en est pas moins vrai, tu peux mettre autant de liens que tu veux et mettre ton ressentie, mais si tu es hors sujet sur tes propos, cela a beaucoup moins d'impact Sinon tu la déjà dit hier, pas besoin de le répéter tout les jours 😉
  16. the blonde girl (the girl who stayed to sleep on the couch) is DE ex girlfriend, she's not new for this apartment 😉
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