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Everything posted by moos54

  1. il y a toutes les informations des différents appartements au sein de RLC sur ce sujet
  2. she also took several showers 😁
  3. she was only a Guest, and she's a close Teya's Friend At this time she broke up with Demid and i think she need a place to sleep
  4. Bold choice on the part of VHTV who recovers a former RLC even if she left the project for quite some time now, especially since I think they are their own manager, which is even better because they only depend on themselves I think a lot of Nicole's fan will want to join VH to follow her, and above all it can be interesting because we never really see her as a couple, she came home only after party, and often accompanied ^^
  5. yes she was but not at the same time ^^ she wasn't with John Karl either when she was on RLC
  6. i don't think so but who knows 😁
  7. oh yes she's pretty good on everything 😁
  8. non Martina est dans la même ville d'Espagne que Desiree, Emma et les appartements pour les vacances 😉
  9. she takes a shower almost every times when she comes here so, yes i think most captured her naked body 😁
  10. I do not really count how many times a week people decide to make love or not, some couples do it all the time, others do it once in a while, and some once a month, as long as they do it by envy, it suits me
  11. Would you have any real evidence for this or it's just a hasty conclusion of things just because you have the fantasy that girls fuck each time the door closes behind them 😁 Frankly, you'd be really disappointed to know the truth, I'm telling you
  12. As I said before, what girls have to do because apparently receiving their best friends, their family and sometimes potential boyfriends, chatting with roomates, taking showers and eating some foods is not enough real life for you 😪
  13. If that's really the case, I'm wondering who I'm in video fucking in this apartment and who looks like them Surely twin sisters or clones 😂
  14. Maybe she just wanted a big bed for her only 😁
  15. Do not worry, this is not the first time she comes into the apartment and she has already shown us all her talents, I must say that only the tattoo is new 😂
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