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Everything posted by moos54

  1. tu pourrais être un peu moins familier dans tes propos s'il te plait, pas besoin d'insulter les gens gratuitement, merci
  2. each managers have their own objective that's why there are more problems with some than others or else the problem comes from the whole country ^^
  3. If you find that this is common to most couples of these managers, maybe the problem actually comes from A and L But maybe the problem does not come necessarily couples but the pressure to have the result (view and money) that engenders the managers
  4. i am pretty sure you want to say about this apartment, he isn't only girls anymore 😂
  5. you don't see nothing, you can see real life with real friends, i know real life sucks 😂
  6. twister is also a popular game in some apartment in Russia
  7. Cet appart est marqué filles en vacances, donc laissé son enfant aux grands parents ou au papa pour être un peu en vacances n'est pas si intolérable Ça fait toujours du bien les vacances 🙂
  8. LEs personnes qui viennent en visite chez les Ashas ou même ici sont tous des amis des différents participants, ils ne sont pas des inconnus 😉
  9. the table is broken in two at the sound of the violin during a rehearsal of Anabel
  10. Yes fourth time for the girl, second time for her boyfriend, but don't expect too much for them The girl is a very good Masha's friend
  11. Without wanting to enter into an endless debate We can also pay people for something other than prostitution As I said before, you will quickly conclude We can also pay people for service rendered, in this case I think more actors came to do the show for example On the other hand I agree enough that this kind of thing should not necessarily do it in front of the cameras, but after all at least we can not criticize them to hide things 😁
  12. In fact what is it that annoys you guys? that a person that breaks questions and possibly asks for answers? or because you know already answers 😂 Everyone has the right to do it as far as I know even if people on the forum are rather binary and only take into account the sex part, the rest can be as interesting You go more in conclusion than him with your words and finally it is you who make the conclusions, which is also interresting In fact I'm sure if it was someone else who did the post, there would not be so much debate 😪 Golfer, I wish that you stop disrespecting the members of the forum, I prefer to warn you now before you still complain because the moderator simply did their job
  13. he simply asks Groomy questions to better understand what is going on in the apartment to avoid making hasty conclusions, the ones you're doing right now 😂
  14. I have a question, have they a sexual life or even a real life without doing cam show on chaturbate?
  15. oui cela s'appel le mariage, et pour info, oui ils sont marier 😉
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