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Everything posted by moos54

  1. they are home more often Jasmin and jim 😁 and she likes sucking dick πŸ˜‰
  2. Damn, I read that, luckily you have nothing but big thought for all the victims
  3. Still, when I see what we can live with Megan and Jasmin now, I think I have hope for any girl on rlc, because they can surprise us anytime Remember, it was two girls discret not showing much and now they are fucked by their boyfriend in front of the cams without hiding anything πŸ˜‰
  4. You are a pretty girl, socially active, loving to party, what do you do? you stay in your apartment for the rest of your day or do you take advantage of your youth to enjoy life? whether there are cameras or not, it's the same thing finally If you do not want her to do anything else to prove to you that she lives here, she sleeps in her room, she eats when she wakes up in the kitchen, works on her laptop in the dining room, she takes a shower and dress in her room, what do you do more really in your everyday life that shows that you live at home? Is it an obligation that she masturbates in the apartment to prove that she lives here? you yourself often say that sexuality is not the only finality on RLC and yet you judge her almost only because of that right now
  5. Rude? On what? You are a bit sensitive Ed because i dont understand why my comment is rude
  6. How is this a mockery? She goes out with her boyfriend or fuckfriend whatever, and the attraction makes them do something outside the apartment, if that happens next time they will be in the apartment, who knows After it is normal that she cleans herself, do you want her to do this? at a neighbor's house? come on No she does it at home, which seems normal to me and she just has an uncontrollable reaction when she has to rethink what she just did For me, I do not see any problem knowing that, she often reacts in this way and this is by no means in relation to RLC or we
  7. Kamila had three lovers in R1's apartment, including one with whom it lasted for a certain length of time, and she is not chilly with the cameras when it comes to acting out, Just see her with her American one night Kaley had only two lovers in the apartment but she had a relationship with one of them long before she turned a roommate of Kamila and Kristy Kristy, it's true is a lot more active sex level in the apartment but it's because she's like that, she needs more attention and love in her life For R2, Angie had sex at the beginning of the apartment under the sheets, I guess now that she dares to masturbate in front of camera, the day she finds a man (and he is not afraid of cameras), she will show us everything we hope to see from her Samantha has proven to us recently that it was not a problem for her to masturbate on cam or to have sex in the apartment, I think it's the girl that fascinates me the most, because she was a lot more reserved when she was just a guest coming to visit her friend Angie πŸ˜‰ For Emily, I find that she is more and more comfortable with cameras and we have pretty good views all over her body now, which was not necessarily the case on her arrival, now as I said, to fuck, you have to be two, so two people willing to do it in front of the cameras, it's easier said than done I guess There is no BS as I can read, they just live their lives in their cities which is different for girls living at b2 or b4
  8. In case nobody knows how to count, to fuck you have to be at least two And it's not because girls live in apartments with cameras, that necessarily the people with whom they can be want to live on the internet or simply to be seen I find it unfortunate that we only notice that for Emily while all day yesterday she was naked, dancing in sexy mode or showing her pretty body to the cameras, which is really pleasant in passing
  9. the housesitter cleaned the house also when they left for vacation and housesitter wasn't very often in the house
  10. I like this girl like all other girls in this penthouse, sorry To disapointed you 😁
  11. Toilet is her second nature for this kind of stuff, remember her at b2 😁
  12. this is not Eva too πŸ˜‰ they are their friends who are here until Eva and Sam come back from Vacation
  13. I do not watch VHTV, I just live it through the forum but from what I see and what I know, Anna and Alex without hesitation
  14. yes this is weird but they are also a real couple, not the first time they come in this apartment but it's the first time we seen them naked 😁
  15. No it's not Her Not the same circle of friends
  16. They are their own manager, right? so they can stay all times they want, if nobody watch us, it's their problem not VHTV problem i think look at Maria, sometimes zero comment in her thread, but she still here
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