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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Voyeur House TV‏ @VoyeurHouseTV 2 hil y a 2 heures Plus Tech works. Foxy, Kira's apt is currently offline. Stay cool with all amazing videos from this realm in our archive: https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm17?&page=1 … #vhtv
  2. Because this apartment is only for premium So unfortunaly, if you want looking these beautiful girls, you can't share what you see because of RLC rules
  3. The problem is this room isn't free so unfortunaly yes this is the reason why RLC banned him because this is against RLC rules to share their content It's a very bad move from RLC if you want my thought but rules is rules even if they are bad
  4. Encore une fois, CC ne doit pas être prit en compte avec ce qu'il ce passe sur les vues des différents appartements CC reste une petite communauté par rapport au nombre total de personnes qui se connecte sur VHTV, qui doit avoir pas loin de 10 millions de personnes par mois (bien sûr tout ce monde n'est pas forcément premium ^^) Donc tu peux avoir pleins de monde qui regardent sans forcément qu'on est des membres du forum qui viennent en parler, en sachant qu'on a beaucoup moins de visiteurs que VHTV C'est juste pour te dire que tu ne peux pas te fier à ce que tu vois sur le forum comme une valeur certaine pour savoir si un appartement à des vues ou non
  5. she's not Anni but other guest 😁
  6. moi toujours 😋 j'espère avoir répondu a tes attentes toutefois mais je t'avouerai que ta question est assez surprenante et pour t'avouer, je ne fait pas aussi attention que toi aux statistiques
  7. vous êtes combien de membre régulier a visiter le forum de VH? plus que 8 apparemment ^^ pourquoi tu veux que cela soit un record, étrangement je n'en sais rien prend en compte qu'ils sont nouveau et que la nouveauté attire la seule chose qui nous importe, c'est qu'on est le plus de membres possible et qu'ils prennent du plaisir a venir exprimer leur point de vue
  8. The moderators are not fans either of OT but we tolerate them I want some things not necessarily related to what happens, we are human and we also leave as long as it remains correct But the company RLC is a real subject of debate which must take place elsewhere than here, that's it
  9. Whether we agree Harley, that you or another want to say bad things about RLC for your own reasons does not bother me On the other hand to do it in a subject that has no relation, it bothers me a lot Latest news, here is the subject for the B2 and B4 apartments and not the one of the RLC company it might be to start to respect a little bit the forum
  10. I believe in what I see contrary to you People can tell me anything they want, I'll make up my own mind and not take others for granted Nobody prevents you from giving your opinion but it seems to me that it will never be objective
  11. Ouais que l'on peut créer n'importe quel graphique 😁 je me demande bien pourquoi tu viens continuellement écrire des choses pour descendre le projet de RLC Rien ne t'en empêche de le faire, mais à la limite, j'aimerai que tu prennes la courtoisie de le faire ailleurs que dans ce sujet car cela n'a complètement rien à voir avec ce qu'il ce passe dans les appartement de B2 et B4 A bon entendeur
  12. You would do things live you would not make that kind of hasty conclusion I still do not understand how we can give an opinion so decide on something that we do not see Yes the cameras make things a little hotter, but there is a total respect between all the participants despite the fact that the girls were still pretty tipsy Whenever Mr. Blair inadvertently touched the other girls, he put his hands back on Blair's body This kind of party is probably much more fun to follow than the pseudo lesbian party to please By cons, compared what happens in this apartment with that of Masha or Eva is completely stupid and makes no sense
  13. at the same time, Adeline and Markus were seen for the first time as a guest in this apartment before joining the project and recovering Zoya's apartment
  14. yes you are wrong, at least about the name of the girl 😁 her name is Adri now we have also a new girl, Aria so this is just for you to not confuse the two girls ^^
  15. i know it's forbidden https://twitter.com/VoyeurHouseTV😁😋😁 Personal information about all tenants is forbidden to share in the open forum
  16. he talks about views on Camcaps, just noted the number of views and compared 48h after all knowing the number of post added since I think it's mostly a mistake to think that it's thanks to CC that he's getting the money for the views, there's no question that the views to get the money are the ones on the VHTV website, here we are just a simple forum
  17. i am confused i'm not reading your word in the good order ^^ i am thinking whitney is the girl in the bedroom 😁
  18. so Whitney is the girl with big boobs? 😉 and she cheated?
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