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Everything posted by moos54

  1. ils ne ce sont pas vraiment coucher ^^ mais ils n'ont rien fait non plus, je voudrais pas te donner de faux espoir 😁
  2. It's to hide her skin problems But I find her attractive without all these artifices
  3. donc toi aussi tu es contre avoir des filles qui viennent dans l'appartement, se mettent nue, prennent des douches, ont des relations sexuelles juste parce que leurs noms de sont plus associés a l'appartement? c'est bien cela qui te gène si je comprends bien?
  4. wait, you want see sex? but they talked English, it's not enaugh? 😂
  5. I am not an expert on vhtv tenant but with this hair color, i can say she's Evie 😉
  6. they travelled a lot all around the world, a local tenant in each country is more easy ^^
  7. Adri's Friend last time she was here with Nica and Amina, they called her Marta, so we can call her by this name 😉
  8. it's not your forum Harley don't push your luck too hard please he said something, you insulted him and his daughter in your words in case you have not printed them since time, there are rules on this forum, it would be well after the umpteenth time that you are asked to read them, that you can do it one day like you said , if you are the problem for this forum, there are consequences against you i hope we understand each other too
  9. Alexa is great because she's doing this for herself not for top cam like Sofie, Monica or Naomi
  10. We can be everything you say without necessarily hurting others You want me to be honest with you, as you like the franchise, even if you are friends with other moderators or admin, if I see this kind of comments from you, you can take a vacation far from here I hope we understand each other case closed for me
  11. It is sure that between us it will be much more difficult to reconcile, even if I do not doubt that you too can be beautiful on a couch 😂 the problem is that you are a superficial man and you only remain in appearances, that's why you're limited in your words in this forum that's why also i found you boring
  12. Alexa very hot today on the couch she reconciliate me with this apartment ❤️
  13. je suppose que tu na pas regardé cet appart ce midi du coup avec un tel commentaire ^^
  14. en même temps il faut être logique si tu ne partage pas de fichier que tu as mis su un cloud, c'est normal que celui ci reste en bon fonctionnement 😉 Rlc fait toujours la chasse aux vidéos de leur contenu, donc oui ton fichier même sur Tor, si tu le partages, il ne survivra pas longtemps au DMCA c'est pour cela que cela fait maintenant pas mal de temps qu'on te dis que le meilleur des compromis est MAB pour les vidéos, car même si les liens ne restent que 48h, tu ne risque pas grand chose
  15. Yes i like her because she was natural and she never played for something I would still like her to feel a little more comfortable
  16. Harley it's just better to turn your tongue seven times before speaking and if you think your answer is not really correct, it's best to close it
  17. Harley I allowed myself to take away your unhealthy talk about how people should raise their child 😡😡 Just like that, maybe it will allow you to finally learn something of life, but not all women who do plastic surgery are brainless bimbos Some really need to feel just WOMAN, it is sometimes not easy to live with small breasts, see no breasts at all as some may have (we could compare to Nelly for example), I can tell you that increasing one or two cups, allow them to simply be better in their skin You need the forum to let off steam and pour some very limited words, others use their brain to think thanks to you PS: will be my only leniency towards you
  18. Désolé @poprock mais tu ne peux pas utilisé le centre d'attachement sur le forum publique pour des raisons qui sont expliqués dans les règles du forum Tu dois utilisé un site d'hébergement comme myairbridge si tu veux vraiment partager tes vidéos Merci de ta compréhension
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