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Everything posted by moos54

  1. i agree, we have a thread for camshow on this apartment thanks to use it
  2. Glasha est pleine de surprise mais elle agit avec le second plus comme une relation frère/soeur pour le moment
  3. yes i confirm she fuck with the first and she only sleep with the second
  4. not the same girls, not the same city, not the same life, so i don't think we can compared 3ks and R2 Since 3ks is open, I think this is the most prolific apartment at guest level, and most have finished in the bathroom, so can't complain about seeing a lot of beautiful nude girls, do you? sex is not everything in life, and when 3ks girls have a relationship, they do not hide anything and the most important on this apartment is the frienship between all the girls, very good to see on my point of view A love 3ks but i love R2 too, they are different and i like it
  5. i can say this, this is not her first stay in the apartment and she used the bathroom, nice look and nice body
  6. tu as le droit de mettre le lien sur cette section
  7. je sais que c'est interdit de dévoiler des informations personnel sur les filles en publique Par contre il y a une section spécialisé dans ce forum pour les filles de RLC qui font de la webcam en même temps qu'elles sont sur RLC
  8. RLC t'a suspendu 3 mois?????????? généralement RLC suspend pas mais bannis directement donc je suppose que tu veux parler de CC, au cas où RLC et CC ne sont pas du tout les mêmes personnes
  9. Une des guests, ce promène tout le temps avec une jupe, c'est ça façon a lui de les différencier je penses ;-)
  10. bah oui, en même temps, c'est la seule en jupe et bonjour à toi aussi
  11. the girl in skirt sleep on the couch Dasha and her friend left early this morning
  12. I'm not going to hide, I'm not one of your big fan, Harley Like us, you do not like how RLC handles the broadcast of their content, photos and videos, the fact that they ban their members and their action against this forum Yes the RLC team is stupid to do that and I think everyone here is of the same opinion But most of the time, you pick on the wrong people, you prefer spilled your hate against the tenants of the different apartments which they have nothing to do with your problems You can not have an objective opinion on these same tenants because you do not have the possibility to see them live h24 even if a charitable soul offered you some videos so that you can see some thing, but we can make say no matter what if we can see only part of the things If you want to regain the respect of the people of this forum, because I feel that this is important for you, start by stopping to be an asshole when you talk about the tenants of the apartments (especially with that of Barcelona) because respect already begins with that
  13. Tout dépend ce que tu aimes regardé, si c'est simplement du sexe alors oui VHTV est peut être mieux pour toi
  14. the first girl on the shower don't expect too much because she's Carrie's family
  15. yes i see that, i correct my first comment thanks
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