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Everything posted by moos54

  1. because he is not pinned yet, now he is pinned ;-)
  2. Whattttttt ^^ Maybe she's on period could be explain for the condom ;-)
  3. C'est le nom que les gens ont donner un un ami du couple qui est venu avec sa copine et avec lequel masha et sasha ont fait plusieurs orgies sexuels, il a un engin défiant même les blacks les mieux pourvu ^^
  4. I can say this, she's not masha's sister, masha has only one sister and we see her last year or beginning of this year, i don't remember well ^^ But sasha is an enigma, so maybe could be the same family with the guest I can say this also, they know each other since few years ago according information i found
  5. Ils ont simplement regarder des choses sur le téléphone portable, rien de bien sexuel comme truc ^^ Il n'y a aucune attirance ou quoi que ce soit entre le couple et les guests, ce sont simplement des amies et ils se connaissent tous depuis quelques années
  6. he speak about that, so let's us judge if it's her or not she know where she's going in this apartment like other girls doing the same job
  7. if you want, you can give us the link here https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/206-barcelona-apt-1-2-cam-girls/ it's not against the rules
  8. yet I can tell you that it goes full of stuff Yana and Ricky have sex twice tonight and once for Ilona and Tim
  9. if they succeed to move the friend from the guestroom in other bed, fousorme could happened in the guestroom but the shy guest who went several times for party isn't shy anymore after tonight
  10. I am quite surprised that no one is talking about the magnificent guest in this apartment since two days, she takes superb shower and is not afraid of cameras, shaving face cam with a dream body Really a very good choice to be in our little world pretty guest
  11. Good but wrong topic :-) Hard night? Pretty sure because off Lola with Her first sex on cam
  12. i am honest with you but you can't look or trust the reality, i speak for generalities all the time
  13. where do you see that I quote your name in this comment, if you feel aim, it's your problem not mine
  14. it is only me or in each apartment created by Jeka, we can not have a correct schedule otherwise Violet is just beautiful
  15. tell me where I personally attack people because I often talk about generalities, it is not my fault that you or others feel aiming at each time and that is when you begin to lack respect yes i know, but you are not alone in this forum
  16. I may not be the best moderators, but I was taught a certain value as respect even when I do not agree with the other person, it may be time to do the same as you become both tired
  17. maybe because i know better Kitek than you, but always you must always be right the day where you can question yourself, we can talk normally, I will not reply to you anymore so it is not necessary that you take the trouble to want to reply to this message
  18. it's crazy to see that even with TRUE information, some people still want to have the last word or be right, instead of saying they may have been mistaken and have misunderstood or interpreted things
  19. C'est pour cela que b1 ont acheter des jouets vibrants, faut juste qu'elles les utilisent maintenant :-)
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