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Everything posted by moos54

  1. and what's the problem if the apartement don't close you don't like, don't see and don't talk, it's more easy what do you think ^^
  2. 10:30 first shower and 20:00 second shower strange for me it's called a day of work like every person on earth ^^
  3. cry because she's hurt, look better ;-) she's crying because she love tim's cock they have been together for quite some time elsewhere
  4. yes i know but i think you don't understand what i say because you are german and i am french, and we write in english ^^
  5. it's on that Yana is not heard, with his Ricky who prefers to put all his attention to blankets instead of trying to give pleasure to his wife ^^
  6. Rules is the rules Law is the law, you can't agree with that but toi follow the law anyway, it's the same here
  7. this morning she took a shower with a great view, this afternoon she also take another shower and come around in all the apartment with a nude body but strange nobody talking about this she's the girl who show more nudity and all people complain because she's gone for few days it is no longer love, it is rabies against her wake up everybody, it's life
  8. sally mastubate twice on the toilet in the bathroom for her first day, so we all know she's hot ^^
  9. Guys, just like that, when you see a couple making love tenderly or having gestures of affections in the bathroom, you really think they are separating because that's exactly what it happens with Zoya and Lev Zoya to always was the most active in the couple why it will change during their move
  10. Frankly after having lived the islands of saint martin and saint barthélemy, without forgetting Cuba and Havana, I think that being tired in cleaning up his garden and really a lesser evil I do not know if you watched the news but the islands of Saint Martin is destroyed at 95% and they lived the hurricane Irma while it was in Force 5 see even 6 All these people have lost everything but i am glad you and army are good by the way
  11. tell you that she had the agreement of stepan if not why it happened that he was not present for two days and tells me not that she took advantage because he was gone
  12. Do you really feel that stepan and maya still have a relationship because all the signals indicate that no, where then they are in a very bad period Especially they never spend nights together without the other in the past, whereas lately it is recurrent, if it is not her, it is him All this to say that I think he is well aware of the situation with his wife and that for the moment this relationship is enough for both
  13. good news for you 5 dead people and a lot of water in the street, could be worst
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