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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Ha ha that's funny One thing i can say about things i did in my day no one had mobile phones with cameras
  2. I totally agree if she was guy nothing would be said if it was a guy I'm 54 yrs old and i tell you i have led a fantastic life i would not change a thing Everything to do with sex you can think of besides gay sex iv'e tried Iv'e fucked more prostitutes than you have had hot dinners some of those prostitutes are just like these girls are now very beautiful girls 1 of the girls i knew we ended up good friends and i still see her today She is married with kids all grown up now and she was in the business for just a few yrs made her money and got out so i think she did very well for herself.
  3. Do we know for sure if the girls get extra money if more people signup For example the show last week would have got a lot of extra guy's join would they get a bonus for something like that?
  4. I thought this capture deserved to get into the pictures thread
  5. Iv'e never seen RLC get rid of a couple unless they have done something wrong So don't hold your breath hoping RLC will get rid of a couple from the list it won't happen
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