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Everything posted by sat11

  1. with out Chloe and James this place would not survive, at this point after all this time blaming the guy does not make sense lisa is not good at sex and it does not mater what guy she is with but she is good at masturbating she should do that more often, still they are getting better not hiding under blanket and having frequent sex.
  2. people can always spear 10-15 min for their partner
  3. or we just pretend she is not there, now there are 2 bed rooms and a sofa enough places for the others to do whatever they want to do she can not be the excuse for the others to do nothing so personally i dont care whether she stays or not.
  4. well they are friendly but their relationship is not yet close enough for them to be walking around naked in front of each other, sin and en room or no room they will be the same only their kind of sex which is not that exiting, and nyusha well she only had sex in the last 3 weeks with dean as long as she is not waiting for his visit there is a big potential to do more with her own room and with other guys. this apartment is on her shoulder now whether she carries it or fall with it we will see once every thing settles down .
  5. nyusha is happy dancing in the shower, maybe expecting some one
  6. she is different here there is no expectation she is sexy and not teasing. with Rachel i dont know why people still expect more than what they are getting ,
  7. she was here twice i think, last time she was with a guy nothing much happened but she gave him a blowjob on the couch, check back post there are few pic of her. nice ass too.
  8. and she is back but alone
  9. that will be almost wasted room, she has sex an average every 10 to 15 days, (6 or 9 guys in what 4 month) well this apartment without rock and ana it's doomed.
  10. that's cool, i am always confused all this people coming and going its hard to to know who is who
  11. ok i thought he was the other girl BF. maybe i should watch them more
  12. yes that is one of the problem with cam girls, they dont do much out side their cam show time, the others do their best for vh cams that is their main job, granted i haven't watched this guys much but every time i looked she is fully closed and talking or on the phone that what the camarads girls do.
  13. its nice to see them as couple instead of a room mate
  14. i dont know what to say about the managers of this apartment, there is only one good cam in BR cam 6 been out of focus for a very long time and always on night vision, 5 is too low to see the bed always blocked by blanket or someone sleep this side you cant see nothing the other side, bad angles bad cam bad lighting = bad manager
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