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Everything posted by sat11

  1. some of the other apt. when some one shows up they try to hide them .
  2. if he is the landlord he is ok with the cams, no body tried to hide them, thats cool.
  3. optical illusion or they should check their family tree does he work for a&L or he is the manager?
  4. that movie might be coming out for Christmas or new year's eve this could be the trailer
  5. once some one told me boys think of sex every 6 min, i believed that till now this two boys dont seam to have any at all , the girls always have to drag them away from the computer and phone, i guess its a bit funny in a sad way .
  6. sat11


    that is a big surprise (shock) ,i knew they will leave one day but thought when sonya get pregnant or something like that , i kind of feel sad now. ivo, petra and akira made VV for me they were VV. VV is loosing participant faster than they replace them, i have a thing for VV, it is the first site i rely got me in to this thing and enjoyed a lot but last year or so it has been like a relative who has terminal illness and slowly dying slowly and you always hope they will find a cure. please VV find the cure before it's too late. ivo and sonya good luck and thank you for sharing your time with us we wish you all the best .
  7. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    yes good luck to them, and as a couple go they great.
  8. sat11


    jack is back
  9. usually the show starts b/n 5 and 7 am, hopefully that was a preview not just a tease , for now they are done
  10. not much hopefully just a break
  11. i understand that but my point is we have to adjust our expectation with the reality of her situation, when she had the chance of entertaining us she gave it 100% , she did not wasted our time with games and teasing now she cant( hard to find willing or available guys) she does her best, might not be enough for us but that is reality . i am sure when spring comes we all be glad she is still here.
  12. sex toys are a thing in VH this days
  13. i know i keep saying this but they need a cam to show in front of the cam or lower cam 4 a bit that area seam to used a lot for sex cam4 cam 3 cam2
  14. exactly, no more excuses as if its going to get better after almost 4 month, this is what we get, we accept it and watch it or ignore the apartment, i chose to watch it because i like chloe, i dont care weather lisa has sex or not. ironically she was much batter when she did not have BF. but she is happy now, that is what it matters right?
  15. look out side its winter the bars, clubs even the street will be empty and she F. every guy she knows and pick ups, until spring comes and guys come out of their hibernation Mr.black and the occasional 32 have to do, she has done in one summer what the others do in their life time or more,
  16. no they doing in turn it was lisa turn last night, next round will be chloe's
  17. sat11


    keep nag them every day until they do something about it , i hope they fix it for you i know how annoying it is when something is happening and you cant see it.
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